Friday, April 9

What Don't You Know?

There are two ways to look at this question...

First... one could say, "I don't know what I don't know..."  and that would be the end of it...  however, that is an arrogant answer and belies the fact that the person does not want to have to think about the question.

Second...  one could say, "there are a lot of things that I don't know even though I know that I don't know them..."  and this second answer is more like what the question was intended for in the first place.

The whole point of this exercise is INTROSPECTION and if you are not willing to introspect then you are not willing to understand all of the complexities that exist within your mind and it beleaguered personality that does not really change throughout one's lifetime.

  • What changes is one's thoughts and actions...
  • What changes is one's values and morals...
  • What changes is one's ethics and integrity... 

I have been a conservative liberal all of my life and no matter what I do or do not do, that focus will never change.  My liberal views are pretty much in line with other liberals in that...
  1. I favor a woman's right to choose an abortion or not
  2. I favor the legalization of marijuana and other illegal drugs
  3. I favor a space program and believe in extraterrestrials
  4. I favor everyone spending two years in the military
  5. I favor the elimination of tax loopholes
  6. I favor a flat tax with no exemptions and no sheltered money
  7. I favor a strong military
  8. I favor no speed limits on interstate highways
  9. I favor no out-of-pocket medical expenses
  10. I favor an increase in Social Security payouts
  11. I favor having an valid ID for voting
  12. I favor rewriting the US Constitution

It seems rather OBVIOUS to me that our FOUNDING FATHERS had no idea what society would or might be like in 2021...  even though they created some governmental concepts that are timeless like the 3 branches of government.

On the other hand, the Electoral College was established because our Founding Fathers did not trust the general public to educate themselves about politics.  And, while that may have been the case through the 1900's, it is no longer TRUE or VALID today.

Our Founding Fathers for the most part were RACISTS and created a RACIST CULTURE and a RACIST Constitution that is not reflective of the cultural or ethnic dynamics of the United States in 2021.

while I do not know what a NEW CONSTITUTION should include, I do know that the old constitution needs refurbishing.

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