Friday, April 2

Today... in the Valley

Today...  is a "tad" chilly in East TN with a high temperature of in the low 50's which means very little if any work will be done outside...  but, starting Saturday, the temps will be in the 60's/70's and that trend will remain several days out into the future...  so, whatever outside  work was not accomplished today will have an opportunity to be completed in the near future.

For me, it does not matter if there is adverse weather conditions outside because I have plenty of things I need to do inside...  like prepare for next week's class on Personal Financial Planning that I am teaching for a local university, work on my blogs, and do a little cooking...

But, what is getting under my skin is the fact that I am counting my calories each day...  typically less than 2,000 each day and more often than not, averaging 1,500 +/- each day and instead of my weight going down, it is going up.  And that does not make any sense to me...  eating less...  weight going up...

living in East TN is much different than living in a larger city, like Atlanta, New York City, Chicago, or Los Angeles.  We don't have the traffic nor the crime in this area and the rural community where our home is located is quiet and serene and I feel secure enough to be able to walk around the community at any time of day or night.

For most of the morning at least until 10:00 am or so, I will watch FOX News and during the time that I am watching FOX, I will change the channels to CNN, CBS and sometimes ABC and NBC and what I have discovered is the fact that these other stations do not spend much time promoting the news that negatively reflects on the Biden administration.

I watch these other stations because I want to make sure that I get both sides of the story so I can make up my mind what to think and/or believe rather than be told what to think.  If I don't have access to both sides of the story, then I am receiving CENSORED NEWS.  I am against CENSORED NEWS being aired in a DEMOCRACY...

Today...  in East TN...  as long as I can watch FOX News, I am happy and content...   and, with that said...  I like the money that the Dems are spending and hope that they personally send me MORE...

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