Friday, April 2

Care and Feeding of Seniors

 15.2% of the Population are 65 years of age and older...

13.4% of the Population are African Americans, Blacks, or People of Color...

There are more seniors in the United States than there are African Americans who collectively are pushing the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement...  and, while black lives do in fact matter, so too does ALL LIVES MATTER which is why I personally have a problem with the BLM movement to begin with.

Why separate blacks from all the other Americans?

BUT...  let's look at seniors.
They represent ONE out of SEVEN Americans.
and...  in many cases, these seniors are being treated for some kind of medical illness like heart disease, a variety of cancers and other illnesses associated with older people...  many of these seniors are living on Social Security payments which averages around $1,500/month nationwide...  which ain't much...  

A couple on Social Security might receive close to $3,000/month (if they are lucky) and in some locations around the country, $3,000/month is a livable wage...

However, the average cost of living ranges between $4,000 and $5,000 each month which is much higher than the average Social Security monthly allocation...

IF we are concerned about our BLACK POPULATION surely we should be worried about our SENIOR CITIZENS and how well that they are living, especially after working for America for over 40 years.

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