Sunday, November 15

Simple Pleasures

I have an acquaintance who is a multi millionaire and about who it was said made his money honestly and with a most abundant infusion of hard work and persistence that was tempered and mellowed by intelligence and clever decisions.  And, of this person was said often that he enjoyed his millions and spent it well on himself and family with personal flying machines and multiple home and travels that took him all across the globe and back several times. 

He wore the finest of clothes, dined at the finest of restaurants, and when he slept it was inside the finest of establishments.  He was well respected and revered and he never count all the friends he had as they were by his side everywhere.  And, what made this all the more perfect was that his health was perfect in all respects and not just because he ate healthy and exercised but because he had been blessed with a fine body as well as a fine mind both of which his entire life served him well.

I could continue his story well into the night but I should not bore you with anymore details of his life because the majority of us here in America will never live like this and if we tried it would only be in our dreams and in our vivid imaginations.

Most of us live simple lives and while some of us are considered Middle Class we will be of the poor one when we retire unfortunately...  unless, we deem it necessary to work until we die or are physically unable.

WEALTH is only for a few.Si

I has been that way forever...  and, while there are new people poking their heads into the ranks of the wealthy all the time, still relatively speaking they are a small minority.

The rest of us are left to enjoy what simple pleasures might still be available to us like the INTERNET and all that it provides both educationally and in the way of entertainment.  And, if we cannot travel to places all around the world we can still see them in pictures...   and while some may say that is not good enough...  I will tell you it is better than nothing.

It was not too long ago that Delta asked us to postpone our trip for a fee and when all was said and done, we had two free tickets to HAWAII...  and, all these years later, all I remember is that I went and try as I may, I cannot remember exactly what I saw even though I spent several days traveling to all these destinations including a live volcano.   Yet, I know all these vivid memories are still inside my head.  I just cannot bring them to the forefront.

I also went to high school in Cairo, Egypt and spent much time at the pyramids but those vivid memories are gone as well even though I know that I was there and experienced it first hand.  And, when I look at photos of the pyramids, I remember not what it was like to stand there and touch it.

TODAY...  I watch the sunrise and sunset every day if there is visibility and walk on paths in all sorts of wooded areas, and paddle a kayak around and around nearby manmade lakes and watch nature swimming in the water and flying in the air or scurrying around the foliage.

TODAY...  I spend my time letting cats lie on my lap while I write comments on my laptop and post them on blogs on the internet for those who want to read or not.  I watch historical dramas or documentaries on cable or read from articles easily discovered on the net.

TODAY...   I sleep as late as I want to in the mornings and eat whatever I desire from a grocery store but have no desire for wines or other alcohols or expensive bottled waters.

TODAY...  I sit on my screened in back porch and while drinking coffee put my thoughts down on paper and when I look up I hear birds and all else is quiet and I see green grass, colorful trees and flowers and a pool covered with a tarp for the winter and the sky which changes little from one day to the next.

TODAY...  I lead a simple life and harbor no regrets inside because each of those memories like what I remember seeing years ago has all but disappeared from my mental points-of-view.

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