Friday, November 20

How To Prevent Gun Violence

Here are some easy and not so easy ways to prevent gun violence:
  1. Make it illegal to carry a firearm in public
  2. Do away with the Second Amendment
  3. Restrict the sell of firearms
  4. Increase the legal age to own a firearm
  5. Longer jail sentences where a firearm is used
  6. Increase taxes on weapons/ammunition manufactures
  7. Make it illegal to own or sell automatic weapons
  8. Make it illegal to own a firearm without taking 100 hours of training first
  9. Better training of children in elementary school
  10. make it illegal to sell firearms at gun shows
  11. Restrict TV shows and movies that include gun violence
  12. Make it illegal to transport firearms from one state to another  
  13. Make it illegal to own one box of ammunition per firm arm in a home
  14. Make it illegal to own more than one firearms per legal aged person
No doubt, any of the 14 ideas will be hard to pass but if in the opinion of our good Lord, all 14 do in fact fact pass in the laws and statues of the Federal Government and State Governments as well, there is going to be a huge issue in how any of these will be enforced except for maybe abolishing our Second Amendment.

In order to enforce, our States and Local Governments will need more law enforcement personnel and in light of a recent DEFUND THE POLICE movement, I doubt very seriously if increase the ranks of law enforcement personnel is a doable idea.

The other issue that gives me some concern is how in the hell is crime using a firearm going to be prevented when the only way that we know that something like that has been done is AFTER THE CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED and the person(s) have been shot.

Law Enforcement presence does in fact STOP CRIME but law enforcement presence cannot be there all the time...  and, what really brings this home to me are our interstate highways.  Whenever drivers on the interstate see a highway patrolman, they slow down, until they are passed then they speed up again and slow down again if they see another...  but there are thousands of miles and highway patrolmen cannot be everywhere all the time.

The other issue that comes to mind is that AMERICANS buy more illegal drugs than any other country in the WORLD...  that is one hell of a distinction...  would you not agree...   and, do you think these punks selling illegal drugs are going to simply give up their firearms and protect themselves with knives and chains...   if you do...  then you need more information.

IN SHORT...  restrictions on firearms will be honored if passed by law abiding citizens but those who don't want to obey our laws will have their firearms just like we had our alcohol during prohibition.

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