Friday, November 6

A God Given RIGHT To Control

This day has begun just like any other day has begun and will begin just like all other days will begin for me up and until that point-in-time when there are no more days beginning for me...  and if, you were to be quite honest with yourself, the same will happen to you, your children, and those you know...  even those you don't know that well...  it is simply a fact of life with which we all must contend at some time or other in our lives...  even though we may not want to admit it now.
  • Some of us will live wealthy...
  • Some of us will live poor...
  • Some of us will live in between the two extremes...
  • Some of us will live off the government...

Regardless of how we want to live, our evitable outcomes are all DEATH.

And, while this is not a wholesome concept about which to talk, it is nonetheless TRUE and will always be true up and until that point-in-time when we can freeze our bodies for as long as need be so that a cure can be found for our terminal disease.

This is a future that I will never see...  perhaps you my friends...  or not...  no one knows for sure.

So, we must live like we are in the present and with all of our past behind us and without knowing the future other than its potential predictions from our well educated forecasters.  And, while we are living in this condition, we are entitled to all that life has to offer...  and, even that reality depends upon where one lives and how wealthy one is or intends to be...  God Willing...  I suppose we could say.

that is not really our reality and our leaders never intended it to be.  And, while our leaders derive their POWER from the majority vote of the people, our leaders are still the only ones with the POWER and it is this POWER that they always believe they should never share since the people, more or less, do not know nor do they care to know how POWER is handled.

Handling POWER gave us:
  1. Our Independence/Constitution
  2. First and Second Amendments
  3. Slavery and the KKK
  4. The Civil War
  5. World Wars I and II
  6. Genocide of a Race or two
  7. The Cold Wars
  8. The Korean and Vietnam Wars
  9. Civil Unrest
  10. BLM and ANTIFA
  11. White Supremacy
  12. Abortion & Equal Rights
  13. Censorship of Opposing Views
  14. A Biased Media
  15. Terrorism and Patriotism
  16. Economic/Militaristic Supremacy
  17. Cultural/Ethnic Differences
  18. A God Given RIGHT To Control
We have OUTGROWN the WILL or the NEED for our CREATOR...  and, as sad as that may seem to be for some of us, it is nonetheless true.  Look around you and pay attention to what your neighbors are doing...  or, simply pay attention to what you are doing.

Can you see beyond tomorrow?
Do you care to see beyond tomorrow?


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