Saturday, November 7

Are You/We Alone?

Being alone has never bothered me, in fact, sometimes I prefer to be alone rather than in the company of strangers or even family...  and, it is not that I don't like people or that people don't like me, it is more like I just don't have anything that I want to say to them and I don't want to join in on their conversations.

Unfortunately, we don't live alone and we have to interact with strangers and with family and it is because of this that most Americans FEAR BEING ALONE or by themselves because they NEED OTHERS in their lives with which to interact even if those interactions are relatively meaningless.

But, we do not want to see ourselves as living meaningless lives so we give it no thought as to the conversation or how stupid or insignificant it might be as long as we have people with which to talk.

My experiences with COVID-19 is that I have been tested twice and on both occasions my results were negative but the fact of the matter is that I really don't go anywhere except to doctor appointments and sometimes out to dinner and recently to the gym but whenever I go out and inside, I always wear a face mask even though others who are in and out hardly ever do...  and, what is sad about this who ordeal is that wearing a face mask does not protect you, it protects others from you...

Most of the time I would have to say people don't give a rat's ass if they are alone or not...  it is just not something that they think about because most of the time they are with others and when they are alone at the end of the day, they are sleeping...  but, that is not THE ALONE about which I speak.

Justificatio sola fide (or simply sola fide), meaning justification by faith alone, is a Christian theological doctrine commonly held to distinguish many Protestant denominations from the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches. The doctrine asserts that it is on the basis of their faith that believers are forgiven their transgressions of the law of God rather than on the basis of good works which they have done. This forgiveness is known as "justification". In classical Lutheran and Reformed theologies, good works are seen to be evidence of faith, but the good works themselves do not determine salvation
SOURCE:  Wikipedia

 "Where is your God"? (Psalm 42:9 & 10)

Both Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34 reveal:  
“And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?’ that is, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’”

Yes...  you are thinking correctly...  Jesus was not speaking English...  a foreign language to us but it was HIS native language in the Middle East where he lived and preached and ultimately died...

But, let us return to YOU...   are you alone?  Or, do you have faith and hope that one day you will know GOD and HIS TRUTH and that you will live for all eternity rather than just a paltry 80-100 years?

And, would you again question your faith if the HUMAN RACE on EARTH was not alone either in its quest for survival?


And, if there was would that knowledge change your faith in HE who created you?

PLANETS IN THE UNIVERSE:  around 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in our observable Universe, and that's only counting planets that are orbiting stars.

That is a lot of planets I would have to say and the odds are in favor of finding not just another EARTH LIKE planet but planets that have other forms of intelligent life that do not look like us earthlings.

So, the ODDS ARE IN OUR FAVOR TOO that we are not ALONE because we are WITH GOD and OTHER LIFE FORMS even though we may never actually meet either one...

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