Monday, November 9

President Elect Biden Wants To Unite America While AOC Wants To Deny Trump Supporters Everything


"...As far as I'm concerned, any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice," Mrs. Obama said recently during a question-and-answer session at Inbound, a marketing and sales conference in Boston.

Obviously, our First Amendment allows her to say whatever she pleases within reason but what really bothers me is that she is encouraging voters to vote their gender or their race regardless if they think the candidate is qualified or if they disagree with their political beliefs...

And, if that were so then no female or black would ever be elected in America... which she should remember is not how her husband WON...

President Elect Joe Biden has one hell of a difficult task ahead of him because 71 million voters cast their ballots for Donald Trump and are not easily going to forget what ALL THE DEMOCRATS did to President for 4 years after he WON.

it is not just the general public with whom Biden must contend but a REPUBLICAN controlled SENATE that could possibly kill most every BILL that the House sends over...
Biden will be left with Executive Orders.

The Global Communities of Russia, China, North Korea, the Middle East will take advantage of Biden's non-HAWKISH attitude for wars and military action and start shifting the global balance of power in their direction...

This Global Change will be further exacerbated with the DEMOCRATIC Party's redirection of funds away from the military and into SOCIAL PROGRAMS while attempting to fund these efforts by increasing taxes on the wealthy that will impact business and industry.

It will be an interesting first two years because if nothing is improving then the mid-term elections could prove very favorable to the Republicans...

ON THE SIDELINES is AOC and her Progressive Democrats and Socialists who want to PUNISH all Trump Supporters with BANISHMENT... and, isn't it interesting how a member of Congress (The House) would make such a comment in our Democratic Republic unless she really did not believe in Democracy from the getgo...

Yes... Biden may have won because American wanted Trump OUT, but he is facing the most difficult battle of his entire political life at age 77 and counting and if something happens to his health a COMPLETELY UNQUALIFIED VICE PRESIDENT will take his place.

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