Friday, November 20

CHINA: Our Greatest Threat both Economically and Militarily

There are CORE PRINCIPLES of American Democracy
  1. Sovereignty
  2. Limited Government
  3. Checks and Balances
  4. Separation of Powers
  5. Federalism (Federal and State)
  6. Liberty and Equality
  7. Justice Under The Law

According to

"For decades, conventional wisdom in the United States held that it was only a matter of time before China would become more liberal, first economically and then politically. We could not have been more wrong—a miscalculation that stands as the greatest failure of U.S. foreign policy since the 1930s. How did we make such a mistake? Primarily by ignoring the ideology of the Chinese Communist Party. Instead of listening to the CCP’s leaders and reading its key documents, we believed what we wanted to believe: that the Chinese ruling party is communist in name only.

Today, it would be a similarly grave mistake to assume that this ideology matters only within China. In fact, the CCP’s ideological agenda extends far beyond the country’s borders and represents a threat to the idea of democracy itself, including in the United States."

According to INVESTOPEDIA...

In 2018, the Chinese GDP in nominal terms stood at $13.37 trillion, lower than the U.S. by $7.21 trillion. In 2020, the gap is expected to reduce to $7.05 trillion, and by 2023, the difference would be $5.47 trillion.
In terms of GDP in PPP, China is the largest economy, with a GDP (PPP) of $25.27 trillion. By 2023, China's GDP (PPP) would be $36.99 trillion.

GDP PPP (purchasing power parity) is gross domestic product converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as a U.S. dollar has in the United States.

Wait a minute... that is not all...
From the Brookings Institution, we see the following:

China wields by far the world's largest military, with 2.8 million soldiers, sailors and airmen—twice the American number. (The United States is number two; the only other countries with more than a million active duty troops are China's neighbors—Russia, India and North Korea.)
NOTE:  China, India, and North Korea support China

Imagine this my friend, when Biden/Harris assume control:
  1. Taxes will be raised on businesses, Trump's Tax Cuts will be removed
  2. Government Regulations Will Return to Business
  3. Monies will be diverted away from the military
  4. Medicare for All will be approved draining the Treasury
  5. Open Borders will be instituted and Trump's Wall will come down
  6. A Green New Deal will be enacted with Congressional or Presidential Support
  7. China will be given a MOST FAVORITE NATION status
  8. Russia & North Korea will be presented as our enemies

By the next time we vote for a new President in 2024, hopefully you will see by then that CHINA will never and has never been our friend...  that they are indeed a HUGE THREAT to our democracy or whatever form of government that we have by then...  because just as soon as we start diverting all our resources to the welfare of the people...  The COMMUNIST CHINESE GOVERNMENT will seize the opportunity to take control of the rest of their continent on its way to conquering the world...  and, they will form economic and military alliances with India, Russia, and North Korea...  and, just because America is despised in the MIDDLE EAST, they too will join forces with the Chinese...

This leaves Great Britain, Europe, Canada to look towards the USA for help but Americans will be too busy to offer their help as they never liked wars anyway and think the world would be a better place if we would just learn to play with each other.

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