Sunday, June 28

Worshiping Alone

My parents required that I attend both Sunday School and Church every Sunday including those Sundays when the family was on vacation until I graduated from high school...  Once I graduated my attendance on Sundays was sporadic at best and it was then that I realized I could have a personal and private relationship with God on my own and without being in a group of people who claimed to have the same faith as I had.

I quickly realized that these people did not have their own faith but the faith that their ministers and pastors told them to have...  think for them rather than encouraging them to think for themselves...  many of these worshipers have never read the entire Bible themselves but can quote scriptures to make whatever point they want to make...

These people did not have OPEN MINDS nor did they question what their ministers or pastors told them to think...  yet claimed to be very religious.

From this point on, I saw INSTITUTIONALIZED RELIGION as more of a problem than as an outlet of faith for the faithful.

I have read the BIBLE from cover to cover and while I was reading took notes and wrote down questions that I might have because of what I read.  When I pray, I recite THE LORD'S PRAYER and nothing more or nothing less.

I don't pray for peace
I don't pray for a cure for cancer
I don't pray to end racism

I recite THE LORD'S PRAYER so that God's Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven...  and, that is it...

ADDITIONALLY, I am convinced that my ENTIRE LIFE has been orchestrated and guided by GOD and that whoever I have become is the GIFT that God has given me.

I don't need church on Sunday to reinforce that BELIEF of mine and I don't need to be around other religious people who might think like me...  if this is what they want to do...  GOD, as he had previously stated will be there...

If you are by yourself, GOD will be there if that is what one wants.

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