Monday, June 29

Celebrating JULY 4

For Americans

On July 4th, the Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence, which had been written largely by Jefferson. Though the vote for actual independence took place on July 2nd, from then on the 4th became the day that was celebrated as the birth of American independence.

What does July 4th mean to/for AMERICAN BLACKS?
Well...  the best way to answer that is to take a looksee at Thomas Jefferson...

According to WIKIPEDIA:  "Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, owned more than 700 African-American slaves throughout his adult life. Jefferson freed two slaves while he lived, and seven more after his death. Jefferson consistently spoke out against the international slave trade, outlawed while he was President, while he advocated gradual emancipation and colonization of domestic slaves.  

Jefferson believed black people were inherently inferior to white people and thought it was best the two races remained segregated."

NOT BEING BLACK MYSELF, I cannot fully grasp nor can I fully appreciate what this means for our American Black Communities...  Our great country is BASED UPON the US CONSTITUTION and it is the same US CONSTITUTION, written by the slave owner Thomas Jefferson who believed blacks were inferior... that saw BLACKS as 2/3 of a person...

How in the hell can someone actually be TWO THIRDS OF A PERSON?

It is also INTERESTING, at least to me how AMERICAN BLACKS refer to themselves as African Americans when that is not actually ACCURATE especially since they were born in the USA...  You are AMERICAN BLACKS with African Heritage...

BUT, that is really a minor point when it comes to our 4th of JULY CELEBRATIONS and how AMERICAN BLACKS participate in those celebrations because there is really no CELEBRATION for them at all until the Emancipation Proclamation which was an Executive Order of Abraham Lincoln on September 22, 1962...

This is the date that AMERICAN BLACKS should be celebrating and this date should be a NATIONAL HOLIDAY... 

But, what is even more interesting is the fact that while Abraham Lincoln did not directly own slaves, his wife owned slaves while they were married...

If I was an AMERICAN BLACK IN TODAY'S WORLD,  I would be just as pissed off at Abraham Lincoln as I am with all of the Founding Fathers that owned slaves and would want his statue removed along with all the other statues.

IN FACT, I would arrange an HUGE PROTEST MOVEMENT on the 4th of July because it is not really a Day of Independence FOR AMERICAN BLACKS...

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