Tuesday, June 23

Day 3 -- at Myrtle Beach, SC

Nothing remarkable happened today except seeing a shark's fin pass as close to the shoreline as where the waves were breaking this morning...  one person made the sighting and in seconds about 100 people were standing at the water's edge watching the fin traverse a distance of about 100 yards give or take, then disappear as it turned towards deeper water.  Otherwise, the day passed by unnoticed in the minds of many people as they enjoyed the weather and the convenient cool breeze and since the sun was pretty much hidden behind clouds all day, many people decided to do other things as the crowd gradually thinned out as the day progressed.

Tonight, we ate at the OVERPRICED Bonefish Grill and enjoyed a mediocre meal (including service) leaving us with the impression of having no desire to return again anytime in the near future if ever.  On the way back, a gentle rain washed away the ocean's spray that had collected all over the car but not hard enough to cause us to pull over until it subsided.  Maybe rain again tomorrow afternoon, the forecast suggests.

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