Wednesday, June 24

Early to Bed - Early to Rise

After a few days somewhere, a sort of comfortableness sets in and I find a new routine that is relatively accommodating at least for a few more days and such is the case here where I was in bed last night shortly after 9:00 pm and not because I was particularly tired but because I was bored and once in bed must have fallen asleep rather quickly because the next thing I remember was waking up and needing to pee.  As I got up from the bed, I noticed the clock on the table was recording 5:00 and I immediately assumed it was "am" not "pm" and after peeing laid in the bed for a few more minutes until I realized that I was "wide awake" and my body felt fully rested so I got up again, shut the door to block out the light since my wife was still sleeping and heated up some coffee that had been made last night. 

Years ago, I started making coffee the day before using coffee and filters of prepacked pouches of coffee and as soon as all the water had been drained from the tank, I unplugged the coffee pot so that the coffee would not "overcook," which is too bitter for my tastes.  When coffee is desired the next day, one does not have to wait to brew a pot of coffee, one simply pours a cups and heats it in the microwave for a minute and a half.  Until the pot has been emptied, all cups still taste freshly brewed...  at least to me.

So, since I was up early I decided to open the curtains and watch the sun rise since I was as far east as one could get without being in a boat on the water, but it was already light outside WITH NO SUN in sight since the sky was overcast which is often the case here at Myrtle Beach.  I also notice there were about half a dozen people already walking on the beach and immediately wonder what time they had awakened this morning and was that their norm or was it just because they could not sleep.

According to the charts, the sun did not rise here until 6:06 and if it had been visible I would have seen it because I was up and had the curtains parted at 5:58...  or at least that was the time on the kitchen clock.

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