Sunday, June 14

Into the Forest

I can remember a time when I was but a young lad of 10 or 12, going into the wooded area on either side of our community before it was developed and wandering around as if I were some kind of explorer by myself...  it was a solemn time for me as I recall, not needed anyone but myself and nature as I took in the majesty of the old trees and the new ones just sprouting out of the ground.  I would walk around for hours with no direction in mind and no worries about making sure I got home a any specific time although I knew that I was never to be late for dinner.

I had a canteen full of kool aid, a pocket knife, and a small magnifying glass that I had gotten out of a box of cereal that I did not like and my parents had to finish eating it because they did not like to waste food...  and, that was the last time Mom brought home cereal with a prize inside.

I did not think about snakes or insects or bugs of any kind as I walked through the trees bending and pushing low hanging limbs out of the way.  I was making my own path through the woods...  a path that was later used by a group of us as we ventured back in these woods to build a tree house and an underground shelter.

Throughout my entire lifetime, I have always liked and desired walking through the woods mostly on an already worn path but sometimes venturing out to create my own new path...  Wooded areas, as I have gotten older, seem to have gotten smaller in diameter although the length of the path might be as much as 2-3 miles or more.  Bugs and insects seem to bother me more as well the older I get and I am not sure what I would actually do if I came in contact with a snake...  probably run in the opposite direction.

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