Sunday, May 3


IN THEORY, I am the only one in this universe, world, state, city, community that gives a rat's ass about what I think...  but, that still does not stop me from presenting my opinion...

The DEMOCRATS and pretty much the entire MAINSTREAM MEDIA thought Brett Kavanaugh (Republican) was guilty of sexual assault Dr. Ford (Democrat) presented her testimony to the press and then again to Congress regarding Kavanaugh's nomination to be a Supreme Court Justice...  despite the fact that Dr. Ford told no one about the incident at the time it happened, could not remember exactly where it happened but she knew it was at a party, but could not remember how she got there or how she got home...  and despite the fact that it was over 20 years ago, Dr. Ford was certain that it was Kavanaugh.

TODAY, there a accusation against Joe Biden (Democrat) from another Democrat that she was also assaulted by Joe Biden, and this time she told her mother and several friends and Larry King was contacted for advice on how to proceed since she was talking about a man that was in the US Congress.

BUT, the DEMOCRATS believe Joe Biden this time!!!

This is a perfect example of DOUBLE STANDARDS...

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