Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts

Thursday, October 26

Whoopi Goldberg Startled


‘The View’ Host Whoopi Goldberg Was Startled By Claims of Taylor Swift Doing More for Economy Than Biden.....   READ MORE...

Saturday, August 26

The Reasons Why the Bidens Got Away with It

Joe Biden and his family have been influence peddling for more than a decade. But when he became Vice President under Barack Obama, the family syndicate kicked it into overdrive to score tens of millions of dollars from the very countries over which the Veep was put in charge of foreign policy. Let’s call it the "Great Selling Out of America." It deserves a monument in Washington for outstanding achievement in graft and bribery.

The Bidens have always gotten away with it. 
Three reasons.

First, they were good at corruption. When Hunter demanded $10 million from a Beijing partner controlled by the Chinese Community Party, he boasted in a message, "The Biden’s (sic) are the best I know at doing exactly what the Chairman wants." Days later, millions began flowing to the Biden-controlled accounts. Access to Joe and promises of future influence were bought and paid for.

The second reason why "Joe incorporated" managed to evade criminal charges is because his collaborators were skilled at covering up the cash. Hunter (aka "the bagman") set up a complex web of shell companies to funnel millions of dollars. The payola was then cleansed by hard-to-trace wire transfers that shuffled it through one account after another before landing in the greedy hands of Joe’s immediate relatives who did nothing to earn a penny of it.

The third reason is that the government willfully chose to look the other way. Documents show that many top members of Obama’s administration knew and were alarmed. But they scarcely lifted a finger to stop it. Meanwhile, the FBI and the Department of Justice worked sedulously to suppress and bury the incriminating evidence. They exerted brazen political interference to make the probe disappear into a black hole of ignored crimes that mobsters can only dream about.  READ MORE...

Wednesday, July 13

Only One Way Out of Inflation

Jerome Powell - Bank of America

Severe recession needed to cool inflation, Bank of America analysts say

Bank of America: 'Sticky' inflation could take some time to come down


The only way to cool down inflation is with a recession...  economists define a recession as a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.

In this case, SEVERE means intense and longer than normal...  whatever normal is because in an economic sense normal is a flexible variable and difficult to define when situations occur that are different than expectations...

This means a recession could last for the next two years of the Biden Administration...  and, if our recession is this severe then you should expect lots and lots of layoffs, a reduction of goods and services to the marketplace resulting in much higher prices.  The Fed will continue to raise interest rates making it rather difficult for individuals, families, businesses, and corporations to borrow money.  These higher rates will apply to ALL LOANS and MORTGAGES.

Our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will decline which means our economy will decline...  and, as our economy declines then the value of our dollar will decline as well.
  • Businesses will spend less
  • Consumers will spend less
  • Banks will loan less money
  • Unemployment will increase
  • The Govt might extend unemployment benefits
  • If the govt spends more our debt will increase
  • Businesses will not expand operations
  • Businesses will not invest in future technology
  • Businesses will not be globally competitive
  • States will reduce services
  • Cities will reduce services
  • Illegal immigration will deplete resources
  • Crime and violence will increase

REMEMBER:  it was not Trump's policies that caused this to happen...  it was Joe Biden's policies that caused this to happen, starting with his attack on the OIL INDUSTRY...

What we are experiencing are the UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES OF THE DEMOCRATS...

Friday, April 8

The Hunter Biden Scandal

Attacks from the mainstream media and an investigative DOJ probe comprise the latest chatter surrounding Hunter Biden's email scandal, but as former deniers arrive at the consensus that Biden's dealings with China warrant skepticism, Fox Nation digs deeper.

A new live episode from Fox Nation hosted by Fox News commentator and legal analyst Gregg Jarrett succeeds the four-part "Who is Hunter Biden?" series which shaped the backstory and the scandals plaguing President Biden's son.

This time, Jarrett dives into the latest bombshell developments surrounding Hunter Biden and hosts a discussion surrounding the potential ethical violations associated with his dealings with China – violations the mainstream media, for months, labeled as "Russian disinformation."

"Why has The New York Times, The Washington Post and CNN now reluctantly, begrudgingly and belatedly – 16, 17 months later – come out and said ‘oops, the laptop’s real, it's authentic, yes, there are incriminating emails contained therein?'" Jarrett asked during the episode's panel segment.

Jarrett theorized two possible reasons mainstream outlets elected to ignore the steaming Hunter Biden scandal until it reached an overboil.  READ MORE...

Thursday, March 3

Kamala Harris Says...

Kamala Harris blasted for claiming 'voters got what they asked for' in electing her, Biden

'No one asked for the Democrats' soaring inflation'

Vice President Kamala Harris was blasted by critics Monday for claiming during a speech at the White House that American voters "got what they asked for" when they elected her and President Biden.

Harris made the claim during a celebration for Black History month when she took a moment to celebrate Biden's nomination of Judge Ketanji Jackson to be the first Black woman to sit on the Supreme Court.

"I felt such pride and such hope this past Friday when President Joe Biden nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson," Harris told those gathered for the event. "Because as we all know, elections matter. And when folks vote, they order what they want, and in this case they got what they asked for."

"I went off script a little bit," Harris added, laughing.

Critics jumped to social media to blast Harris, with some listing what they saw as the administration's numerous failures, and others predicting a defeat for Democrats in the November midterm elections.

"The American people didn’t ask for any of this: Record Inflation, Record border crisis, Closed schools. A war on American energy, Afghanistan disaster, Russia invasion of Ukraine," wrote Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, while former White House press secretary and Arkansas gubernatorial candidate Sarah Sanders called the Biden administration a "complete and total failure."  READ MORE...

Sunday, December 19

CNN Host is Puzzled

In a Post piece headlined, "The puzzle of Joe Biden’s unpopularity," Zakaria claimed Biden's low approval rating wasn't actually his fault, but that he was instead "paying the price" for being president during "complicated times."

"I find President Biden’s unpopularity puzzling. He is rounding out his first year in the White House with the lowest end of first-year approval ratings of any elected president in modern times with the exception of Donald Trump. Why?" Zakaria wrote.

He described Biden as "a genial, likable person," and noted that some of his policies were popular amongst Americans with even some Republican support, but also claimed that the country was doing "reasonably well" economically, despite record inflation, nationwide supply chain challenges and a labor shortage.  

Thursday, September 3

Remembering Obama's Presidency

Barack Obama was President of the United States from 2009 to 2017 or 8 years.

Barack Hussein Obama II is an American politician and attorney who served as the 44th president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, Obama was the first African-American president of the United States. Wikipedia

What did Obama do for the Economy?
The economic policy of the Barack Obama administration was characterized by moderate tax increases on higher income Americans, designed to fund health care reform, reduce the federal budget deficit, and decrease income inequality. His first term (2009–2013) included measures designed to address the Great Recession and Subprime mortgage crisis, which began in 2007. These included a major stimulus package, banking regulation, and comprehensive healthcare reform. As the economy improved and job creation continued during his second term (2013–2017), the Bush tax cuts were allowed to expire for the highest income taxpayers and a spending sequester (cap) was implemented, to further reduce the deficit back to typical historical levels. The number of persons without health insurance was reduced by 20 million, reaching a record low level as a percent of the population. By the end of his second term, the number of persons with jobs, real median household income, stock market, and real household net worth were all at record levels, while the unemployment rate was well below historical average.  SOURCE:  Wikipedia

ATTENTION:  Look at the above chart and you will see that Obama did nothing to help improve higher positions among blacks from 2009-2017 while Asians and Hispanics were increasing substantially...  why do you think that was?

AND...  wasn't Joe Biden part of that decision making process?

BTW, the above chart was used in an article in July 2020 about Systemic Racism in America...  And so, if racism is systemic then it cannot be blamed on President Trump.  It must be blamed on the Presidents going back to 2004 (according to this chart) that PERPETUATED SYSTEMIC RACISM IN AMERICA AND OBAMA WAS PART OF THAT PROCESS...

Sunday, May 3


IN THEORY, I am the only one in this universe, world, state, city, community that gives a rat's ass about what I think...  but, that still does not stop me from presenting my opinion...

The DEMOCRATS and pretty much the entire MAINSTREAM MEDIA thought Brett Kavanaugh (Republican) was guilty of sexual assault Dr. Ford (Democrat) presented her testimony to the press and then again to Congress regarding Kavanaugh's nomination to be a Supreme Court Justice...  despite the fact that Dr. Ford told no one about the incident at the time it happened, could not remember exactly where it happened but she knew it was at a party, but could not remember how she got there or how she got home...  and despite the fact that it was over 20 years ago, Dr. Ford was certain that it was Kavanaugh.

TODAY, there a accusation against Joe Biden (Democrat) from another Democrat that she was also assaulted by Joe Biden, and this time she told her mother and several friends and Larry King was contacted for advice on how to proceed since she was talking about a man that was in the US Congress.

BUT, the DEMOCRATS believe Joe Biden this time!!!

This is a perfect example of DOUBLE STANDARDS...