Thursday, May 21

Staying At Home

My wife and I have basically stayed at home since he middle of February or for about 3 months (90 days) so far...  with the except of necessary doctor appointments or chemo treatments...  and, with the understanding that if we need something from the store, my wife who has a stronger immune system than me, is the one who does the shopping which she really care to do as it gets her out-of-the-house.  She is somewhat annoyed by the quarantine at home whereas it bothers me not at all.

So, what do I do on these days that I stay at home?

  1. Drink coffee and write in the mornings
  2. Maintain my blogs
  3. Exercise for an hour
  4. Work outside on the yard, pool, deck
  5. Cook 'idea of the moment" meals
  6. Watch shows on Netflix and Hulu
  7. Listen to Audible Books
  8. Soak in the hot tub
I have read articles recently that many people have gained weight because of the Stay At Home Orders because they are bored...  and, that many people have consumed more alcohol than they normally do as well...  and, have taken more drugs to offset the boredom.

In a way, I feel sorry for these people because they lack self-respect, self-confidence, self-determination and lack the ability to take responsibility for their actions...

My first question is:  
Do you really want these people as your employees?

My second question is:  
Do you really want to be married to these kinds of people?

Unfortunately, this crisis is not really going away until we find a vaccine...

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