Friday, May 8


Robotics is an interdisciplinary research area at the interface of computer science and engineering. Robotics involves design, construction, operation, and use of robots. The goal of robotics is to design intelligent machines that can help and assist humans in their day-to-day lives and keep everyone safe. Wikipedia 

Robots will replace humans for many jobs, just as innovative farming equipment replaced humans and horses during the industrial revolution. ... Factory floors deploy robots that are increasingly driven by machine learning algorithms such that they can adjust to people working alongside them.

There are five major fields of robotics:
  1. human-robot interface
  2. mobility
  3. manipulation
  4. programming
  5. sensors
Algorithms  are a set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially performed by a computer.  And, it is these algorithms that control the operation of a robot.

What we generally know so far is that an Agorithm takes some input and uses mathematics and logic to produce the output. In stark contrast, an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm takes a combination of both – inputs and outputs simultaneously in order to “learn” the data and produce outputs when given new inputs.

Artificial Intelligence Algorithms (AIA)will be implanted into ROBOTS and actually have been implanted into robots already...  as robots improve, AIA will improve as well...  and, in 10 years it will be 2030 and AI Robots will have taken:  "Robots 'to replace up to 20 million factory jobs' by 2030. Up to 20 million manufacturing jobs around the world could be replaced by robots by 2030, according to analysis firm Oxford Economics.  Jun 26, 2019."  SOURCE:  BBC/Business

AND BY 2050:
"There’s no question that technology is drastically changing the way we work, but what will the job market look like by 2050? Will 40% of roles have been lost to automation – as predicted by Oxford university economists Dr Carl Frey and Dr Michael Osborne – or will there still be jobs even if the nature of work is exceptionally different from today? To address these issues, the Guardian hosted a roundtable discussion, in association with professional services firm Deloitte, which brought together academics, authors and IT business experts.  

The future of work will soon become “the survival of the most adaptable”, says Paul Mason, emerging technologies director for Innovate UK. As new technologies fundamentally change the way we work, the jobs that remain will be multifaceted and changeable.

“Workers of the future will need to be highly adaptable and juggle three or more different roles at a time,” says Anand Chopra-McGowan, head of enterprise new markets for General Assembly. So ongoing education will play a key role in helping people develop new skills..."

2030 is only 10 years away
2050 is only 30 years away
If you are 25 now you will be 55 in 30 years

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