Sunday, March 29

Sunday in the Valley

A storm blew through the valley this morning about 5:00 am waking up both my wife and I because of the rain hitting against the window and the wind...  this is very unusual for me because I sleep through damn near everything, including rain/wind storms worse than this one.  Fortunately, it only lasted about an hour or so but it was forceful enough to move furniture and carpets around on the back deck.

Once up, I just decided to stay up...  so, I fed the cats who were roaming around and let me know that they were STARVED TO DEATH as soon as I opened the door to the bedroom...
If I do not respond to their requests right away, they either start fighting each other to get my attention or they decide they need to do a little mischief to get my attention...
Once fed my 3 monsters settle down and go back to bed and typically will sleep for a couple of hours before they are again out and about, looking for food or trouble or sometimes a soft lap in which to jump into and continue their sleep...
It appears that there will be no sunshine today as an overcast sky seems to be lingering around and whatever work that was going to be done will have to be postponed...  And, while some (who are impatient) might think that would be a pain-in-the-ass to postpone a work activity, let me remind you that we are both retired and can work outside while you must work for your employers...

Retirement does have its advantages...

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