Sunday, March 15

Burning Bridges

At 72 years of age, I have had plenty of time and plenty of experience destroying friendships in an effort to test their sincerity and I am not really sure why I ever needed to test their sincerity in the first place but I did.  Perhaps, this is a carryover from how my parents raised and treated me...  perhaps not...  I guess I will never know and there really is no reason why I should know...  it just is what it is and to date, I literally have no friends except those friends that were my wife's friends first and accepted me as a friend because of our marriage; but, they are more her friends than they are mine.

Still, because of my actions, not only do I not have any friends but my brother and my sister really have no desire to spend anytime with me because of my "dark and mysterious" attitude, behaviors, and not totally sure what will come out of my mouth that will upset or offend them.

In addition to my family and friends, during my 45 years or work, I managed to get myself fired 10 times because of my mouth...  that averages out to getting fired about once every 4.5 years...  that ridiculous behavior resulted in me not having a retirement income from anyone other than Social Security and whatever I could manage to save.

Burning Bridges I suppose was stupid.

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