Monday, December 7

Our Shifting Global Economy

COLUMN-China and the world economy's shifting centre of gravity: Kemp
By John Kemp
(John Kemp is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own)

Some Excerpts from his article dated March 2020:
LONDON, March 5 (Reuters) - Most western policymakers and journalists view the world economy through a framework that is 10-15 years out of date, failing to account fully for the enormous shift in activity towards China and the rest of Asia.

Most economic commentators and policy analysts cling to a world view that puts the United States and the North Atlantic countries at the core of the global economy, with Latin America, Africa and Asia on the periphery.....

That might have been a useful representation of the global economy in the 1980s and early 1990s, but it has become increasingly inaccurate in the 2000s and 2010s.

Rather than economic and financial changes originating in the United States and Western Europe and radiating out to the periphery, shock transmission has become bi-directional.....

Intuitively, in the 1980s and early 1990s, global economic activity was concentrated in North America and Western Europe, with outposts in Japan and the Asian Tigers (South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore).

But since then, Asia’s economies, especially China, have grown much faster than their western counterparts, pulling the centre of gravity steadily deeper into the eastern hemisphere and Eurasia.....

China’s share of the global economy has quadrupled to 16% in 2018 from 4% in 2002, according to the International Air Transport Association (“Updated impact assessment of the novel coronavirus”, IATA, March 5)......

The trade war of 2018/19 demonstrated it was not possible to damage China without inflicting widespread collateral damage on other countries (“Trade war rebounds on the United States”, China, July 9, 2019).

Medium-sized economies with a high share of imports and exports in their gross domestic product, including Germany and South Korea, were hit especially hard as they became caught in the cross-fire......

China’s rapid urbanisation, industrialisation and emerging middle class have been the principal drivers of world economic growth in recent years (“China has replaced U.S. as locomotive of global economy”, Reuters, Nov. 5).

China accounted for 28% of all global output growth in 2013-2018, more than twice the share of the United States or India, and dwarfing other countries, according to data from the International Monetary Fund.

If China’s economic growth is to be restrained, somehow, it is not clear what would replace it as a driver of rising global incomes......

China’s economy is far larger than the Soviet Union’s and much more deeply integrated into the global economy as both a producer-exporter and consumer-importer.

For most countries in Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, prosperity depends on growing exports to China and maintaining good relations with the United States.

Forcing them to choose is forcing them to become poorer......

Now I am not an economic expert or forecaster of what be ahead of us in the future, but if you read the excerpts that I posted, you can see that the US in no longer the main driver of the GLOBAL ECONOMY...  it would appear that CHINA has a greater influence on the global economy than we first might have suspected and the rapid growth of the economy of INDIA will help shift the focus of the global economy from the WEST to the EAST...

And, while that might be very good for the rest of the world, it is certainly not good news for the United States of America and her economic future.

Sunday, December 6

A Heavy Fog Descends

FOG has descended in my part of East TN...  a heavy fog for that matter and not mental at all, although I have experienced that a time or two during my lifetime.  I watched it increase in intensity as I looked outside my window seeing what could be seen this morning...  while drinking coffee...  of course, which is a natural remedy for morning fatigue...  or, at least it used to be.

My neighbor's house, I cannot see, nor can I see the Magnolia trees just to the right of my field of vision which I know are still there because I saw them no more than fifteen minutes ago while standing at the window, making my first cup of coffee...  it takes 3 cups ya know to fill up a YETI.

There is no sky that I can see nor is there a horizon where a horizon used to be and there are no bearings on which to fix my position other than the objects inside this house which the fog has not yet disturbed...  at least so far...  but, one never knows for sure especially if I were to open the door and encourage the fog to enter...   would it accept my offer?

How foolish I am being this morning about this fog especially since from where it came, I do not know and if I said I do not care, what then would you think of me?  That I have no feelings at all for a disturbance of nature...  or, perhaps, I don't care for nature at all which seems a little silly since I live out in the country and not in any of our disturbed cities.

The fog makes it appear that the end is near...  and, that nothing else matters except for what we cannot see as the fog continues to block our vision in all directions...  outside the windows north and south, outside the porches east and west...   and, above or below I cannot see because of my roof and floor but I suspect if I could see in those directions, the fog would be there too.

Our cats have not noticed the heavy fog and for that I am relieved because if there were to be sitting at the windows, all they would see is a white darkness behind which nothing exists...  at least in their minds that might be so since they have no imagination, no fantasies, or dreams with which to compare what they might have been seeing.

A heavy fog remains and I wonder for how long?

Komic Korner Kartoons


Saturday, December 5



SAME OLE SHIT...   just another day...  another dollar...  with 25 cents going to our uncle...   to help pay for all the programs given to people who either do not want to work or claim consistent persecution like the JEWS claim against the ARABS...   and, of which the ARABS don't deny...  nor do they deny their HATRED of Americans regardless of their color, looking only at their passports.

I recall that when I was an enlisted man in the NAVY that SOS meant SHIT ON A SHINGLE...  or, creamed chopped beef on toast...  ain't it funny how names and events and meals get slang interpretations by those who ain't necessarily educated or intellectual.

SO...  whether you are working or living off the tax payer like my wife and I living on Social Security, each day is SOS for the most part unless you are wealthy... and then SOS to you means increasing one's income...  and, I remember someone said that Howard Hughes, on his death bed said, "I'd like to earn just one more dollar."

Every 4 to 8 years, POTUS's come and go...  none of them really ever achieving anything, even when the Congress is of the same Party...  and SOS to them means RE-ELECTIONS.

How STUPID do we have to be, to understand that those with WEALTH AND POWER don't give a FLYING FLIP about us or our silly ass points-of-view since individually we can do absolutely nothing to stop them which is really depressing when one thinks about this from an SOS point-of-view...


In The Garden




Friday, December 4

I Must Be Crazy -- part II

Oddly enough and over 7 hours later...  it is still raining outside and I am assuming in the Valley as well...  and, while the temperatures have warmed up a tad (an East TN word that could mean one inch or a mile)...  I am still writing but inside reclining in a chair...  and, making it somewhat difficult for me to type is my Siamese cat laying in my lap...  of course, he appears to be sleeping which is a matter for conjecture because as soon as you think this damn cat is sleeping, he has used his claws to push himself off my legs as he goes after another of our male felines...  of which we have three...  and, I am not sure how we ended up odd because I'd prefer even...

For most of the day, I have been typing on the computer except for a couple of hours that was devoted to making home made soup because we had finished just yesterday all our Thanksgiving leftovers...  lasting 7 days is not bad at all...  I would think since that one big supper was a tad more expensive than all out other meals...  getting a good ROI on prepared food is what my Dad taught me...  as every time I left food on my place, he would remind me that there are starving children in CHINA...  I am not sure why China was on his mind because I knew for sure he did not give a damn about China or the fact that their children were starving...  hell, he never spoke about the starving children in America...  and, he had to know that they were not eating 3 squares a day...

In my soup, I put:
2 chopped medium size onions
1 heaping tablespoon of garlic from a jar and maybe a little more
3 stalks of celery
2 orange bell peppers
2-3 ounces of frozen sweet potato fries
1 can of white beans
1 can of kidney beans
1 large bag of frozen Kale
a shit load of pepper, and a little oregano, turmeric, paprika, and salt
NOTE:  all totaled, I had about 1600 calories but after cooking was poured into 5 plastic containers which calculates out to 320 calories per container.  These plastic containers previously held sliced ham in a sealed package and are more economical to use than buying new ones.

So...  now I have at least one prepared meal each day that only needs 2-3 minutes in the microwave...  and NO...  I do not get tired of eating the same meal 5 days in a row...  as long as it saves money...  and, the fact that I have gotten used to doing this since I started the practice in College in 1966...  does not hurt either.

In College, I would cook a cup of rice along with a can of vegetable soup in a popcorn popper and have a meal for 2-3 days, especially in the winter, because I could put the containers I used on the window sill between the screen and the glass, to keep the contents from spoiling.  In the 1960's, springs and falls were never as warm as they are today, so it was fairly easy to keep food from spoiling.

Do You Want To Become Wealthy?




  • Inherit Wealth From Your Families
  • Wealthy friends give you money with which to take risks
  • Become the best of the best in all that you do
  • Do whatever you have to do, regardless of the guilt
  • Break most or most all the rules and not get caught
  • The intelligence greater than everyone else
  • Athletic Abilities in the top 1% of all athletes
  • Musical Abilities in the top 1% of all musicians
  • Artistic Abilities in the top 1% of all artists
  • Acting Abilities in the top 1% of all actors
  • Writing Abilities in the top 1% of all writers
  • Cheat, Lie, Steal, and/or Gamble
  • Convince others that you are telling the truth when you are not
  • The mind and/or insights of a genius
  • Develop products and ideas that no one knows they want
  • Become involved in organized crime
  • Pick up other people's garbage

Most everyone is not on this list and will never be on this list because they were simply not born with the skills and/or abilities to be on this list and the odds are that they will spend a lifetime hoping to acquire them but never will...


You might be good at what you do, but today just being good is not enough...  you must become EXCEPTIONAL or you will never reach that level of success where you will be able to call yourself wealthy...   unless you measure wealthy in a NON FINANCIAL WAY...

If this is you...  then all I can say is that YOU ARE LUCKY even if you do not believe in LUCK...  because being born with skills and abilities, in my opinion, is and has always been the LUCK OF THE DRAW...  and maybe some divine intervention...  but, if this is not you...  then, all I can say is that you need to simply accept your position in life and try to make the most out of what you have been given, maybe become a little better or even better than just a little, but outside of that, the odds are you never will have or become any better than you already are...

Holidays Were Designed Only For The Wealthy To Enjoy

Most of these days that I have been retired, I find myself not wanting to eat my breakfast until noon or after and I am not sure if I can actually call that meal breakfast or even brunch because when I wait that long to each my first meal of the day, I am not going to combine meals unless I am in a restaurant...  so, my breakfast these days, is really lunch for all intents and purposes to which you might be saying at this point-in-time, I REALLY DON'T GIVE A SHIT...  about your eating habits and wish that you would not share them with me online...

And...  while that is a fair appraisal...  this I say that this is my blog and I'll do what I want and not what you say or suggest which is how I have been living my life ever since I can remember my first Thanksgiving Day Parade which really was to celebrate Christmas and had nothing to do really with Thanksgiving other than it being a two day holiday for most people...

  • not the military
  • not law enforcement
  • not fire departments
  • not EMS services
  • not doctors 
  • not nurses
  • not athletes
  • not retail stores
  • not gas stations
  • not restaurants
  • not warm weather resorts
  • not airports
  • not train or bus stations
  • not refugees
  • not immigrants
  • not migrant workers
  • not those on minimum wage
Holidays are never for these people...
No matter what you might think or believe...
Holidays are forced time off for most people and are typically not a concern of the WEALTHY... who always seem to have more money than they need and if they share it at all outside their immediate families, then they share it with CHARITIES because those are TAX DEDUCTIONS...

  • Businesses and Industries
  • Technology Companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, etc.
  • Computer Companies
  • Professional Sports Teams
  • National and State Politicians
  • Congress and the Senate
  • Hospitals and Nursing Homes
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Manufacturing
  • Entertainment Industries
  • Clothing Industries
  • Mass Media Outlets
  • Communications
  • Retail Industries
  • Automobile Manufacturing
  • Farming and Mining
  • Cruise Lines and Hospitality
  • Banks and Investment Houses
  • Construction and Real Estate
  • Music Industry
  • Marijuana Industry
  • Gambling Casinos except for Native Americans
  • Transportation
  • Illegal Drugs Manufacturing and Logistics
You don't stand a SNOW BALL'S CHANCE IN HELL of ever again really enjoying a HOLIDAY unless you are wealthy or simply trying to make the most out of a bad situation...   like all the posters say:  BE PROACTIVE...  instead of negative because it makes you un wealthy life a little better to understand and a little better with which to live and ultimately die...

you always have the opportunity since you are living in AMERICA to believe that you can one day just as WEALTHY as the WEALTHY ARE...

I Must Be Crazy

I can see my reflection on the monitor screen as my laptop boots us...  an old face, deep set brown eyes with wrinkles at the corners,  a grey toboggan covering my head and forehead under the hood of a heavy duty, fleeced lined sweatshirt zippered half way up...  even though my laptop is 5 years old it still boots up rather quickly and instantly I am connected to the internet as if someone had played a magic trick on me...  wool socks with leather soles are on both feet and except for my hands, I feel rather warm and toasty to be sitting outside on my back porch deck in weather less than 40...  

A light rain makes concentric rings as it hits standing water and for a moment or two, I watch them disperse and disappear as other drops of rain takes their place in my time and space...  a cooling cup of coffee in a paper cup from McD's is on my left side with McCafe spelled out in brown letters...  our fat (due to steroids for congestion) yellow cat joins me on the deck wanting to continue its way outside but changes his mind when he sees all the rain...  and, the heat from all my clothes makes me sweat a little and for another moment I wonder how long it will be before I decide to go back inside and quit enjoying all this nice weather...

On the other side of my deck rails are the stumps of the bushes I cut down about 2-3 feet above the ground and while I cannot see them from my vantage point, I am just as confident that they are still there as I am that they will again grow tall in the spring of this new year...  a 4X4 treated post stands firm in the ground and supports a blue bird house I made out of the old decking I replaced this year and while there are no inhabitants, I have seen a couple checking it out as a possibility...

Neighbor's leaves have once again blown into my back yard and as soon as it stops raining and the grass dries out, I will again mow that area for the third time...  and, while it is a tad annoying to do this each year, it does help my grass grow strong...  and, as I stop to reflect upon it all, I notice the rain is still falling and the sounds that it makes when it hits an object seems to be getting stronger and stronger...  as if the rain is going to replace the early snow that feel a few days ago...  and, even though it did not last that long on the ground, it was still early and not being a farmer, I have no way of knowing if that is a good sign or not...

And...  while it may seem a little funny to you or even weird, I still do not feel the least bit cold...  not even my bare typing fingers...  the rain has decided to increase and there is no doubts about it...  falling like it does during a typical summer shower...   and, while this is good for the 3 new spots that we sowed grass seed, it is not good for the one task that I was going to perform outside today...  and, while its delay will not bother me...  it will bother the other resident who lives in this house with me...

My second cup of coffee tastes as good as the first and I am not sure what I am doing, if anything, differently to have all this good luck...  but, it would appear that the rain is starting to subside and I really must go and start what I need to do so I can finish before this cup of coffee gets cold...

Goals and Affirmations: The RAS Key

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. 

When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes. 

Self-affirmation may also help to mitigate the effects of stress.

According to  there are 8 steps to using the Reticular Activation System to one's advantage, the least of which is using positive affirmations...

1. Use SMART Goals That are Written Down
A smart goal is one that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound. I recommend that you follow my step by step process for setting goals

2. Ask Questions to Make the Goal More Vivid
  • “how will I know when I have achieved it?” 
  • “what will I see, hear, or feel?” and “where, when, and with whom do I want it?” 
  • “what will achieving this goal do for me?” 
  • “what’s the benefit?“. 
  • “what am I already doing to move towards this goal?” 
  • “what qualities, skills and emotional states do I need to reach my goal?“
3. Keep the Goal or Problem to Solve at the Top of Your Mind
Think about your goal many times a day! 

4. Take Consistent Action
Consistent action is important in achieving any goal. 

5. Train your Reticular Activating System
Think positive and start eliminating the negative

6. Create Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations force the reticular activating system to kick in automatically.
Speak your affirmations out loud.
Create affirmations that are very specific to your goals.
Feel the positive emotions that you want to experience as well.

7. Use Visualization
Your reticular activating system cannot distinguish between real events and synthetic or imagined reality. Anything that you can vividly imagine will seem real to your reticular activating system and it will act on it.

8. Repetition
Repeat...  repeat...  repeat...

Thursday, December 3

My Desire to Write

Caricature 1977 by Tom Edgerton, a NC Artist
I wrote my first poem in high school (1962-1966) while we were living in Cairo, Egypt and it was about some female with whom I was infatuated but said nothing...  as I recall I wrote the poem in green ink while listening to "Tired of Waiting," by the KINKS.  I have no idea where that written down poem is...  probably thrown away with all my other stuff from high school that I got tired of holding onto.

In 1966, I attended a small 4 year college in North Carolina and started writing poems on a regular basis while waiting for my classes to start...  at that point, while I did not write a lot or even consistently everyday, I NEVER STOPPED WRITING...  and, a couple of years later started writing short stories along with my poems, even though I had never taken any classes in creative writing as it was just something I wanted to do.

To date that is to say from 1966 until 2020 (54 years), I have written the following:
  • over 42,000 poems
  • 1200 opinion articles under a fake name on LinkedIn (profile deleted after being hacked, articles lost)
  • 2.5 novels (0ver 300 pages each or 90,000 words) out of 12 outlined
  • maintain 4 blogs daily
    • Journal of Daily Pages
    • Reflections: White Scorpion
    • Bipolar Scorpion
    • My Cancer Pilgrimage

I did not stop writing my novels because I got tired of writing novels but because I started questioning myself about being a writer that people wanted to read...  and, the more I questioned myself, the more I decided that maybe writing novels, at this time, was not the best direction to take with my retired life.  SO...  I started focusing on publishing my poems on Reflections: White Scorpion instead.  Was this the right approach to take?  I don't know actually...  but, it is one that I am following at least for a while...  In the back of my mind, while I have no real desire to write all 12 novels, I do have a desire to complete the first 4, because the other 8 are simply sequels.

Instead of sending greeting cards, I write my own poem instead as to me, it seems that it might be more valuable since it is personal.  At the funeral of both my parents, I read poems I had written the night before in their honor.  And, my wife has volunteered me several times to write poems to several people for their high school graduation or wedding.

Writing poems is not easy although once I start, all the words just seem to flow out of me onto paper with relative easy...  however, the pump is not always that easy to prime.

Most of the time, I am writing opinion pieces on the above mentioned blogs not necessarily to increase my readership but to get those thoughts out of my mind.  As you can see, I am quite opinionated even though I am not always right.  I expect the worst but hope for the best and I am never disappointed because one of those two damn scenarios will always happen.

I have always been a rebel, breaking the rules, and sometimes making my own as I go along.  I kiss no one ass nor do I expect anyone to kiss mine.  I earn my own way, never asking anyone to open the door for me.  I will never violate my ethics or integrity, although I have violated my moral.  I am a liberal who was smoking pot and protesting long before it was popular or cool which includes wearing long hair before long hair was "in" and attended a concert called WOODSTOCK once upon a time...  there is no better music than the music of the 60's especially the lyrics because they were all poetry.

I am a conservative liberal because I don't believe in debt basically, but the liberals of today are so far out in left field that they can all kiss my ass before I will give them the time of day.  I am not into SOCIALISM, nor am I into WEALTH, POWER, and CONTROL and I don't give a damn if you want to own a gun or get an abortion but you DAMN SURE BETTER NOT TAKE AWAY MY FIRST AMENDMENT or censor the news because it does not play well.

In my opinion for the last 4 years the mainstream media should be ashamed of themselves...  and, because of what they did or did not do, I lost all respect for journalists and reporters, putting them into the same category as LAWYERS...

Our Reticular Activation System (RAS)

What is the Reticular Activating System?
The reticular activating system (RAS) is a network of neurons located in the brain stem that project anteriorly to the hypothalamus to mediate behavior, as well as both posteriorly to the thalamus and directly to the cortex for activation of awake, desynchronized cortical EEG patterns.

The main function of RAS --  The reticular activating system (RAS) denotes that part of the brainstem reticular formation which performs a crucial role in maintaining behavioral arousal, consciousness, and motivation.

"Our brains are incredibly complex. We can sift through billions of bits of data at any given time. And somehow, so we don’t short circuit, we have to organize that information. The Reticular Activating System helps with that.

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a bundle of nerves at our brainstem that filters out unnecessary information so the important stuff gets through.

The RAS is the reason you learn a new word and then start hearing it everywhere. It’s why you can tune out a crowd full of talking people, yet immediately snap to attention when someone says your name or something that at least sounds like it.

Your RAS takes what you focus on and creates a filter for it. It then sifts through the data and presents only the pieces that are important to you. All of this happens without you noticing, of course. The RAS programs itself to work in your favor without you actively doing anything. Pretty awesome, right?

In the same way, the RAS seeks information that validates your beliefs. It filters the world through the parameters you give it, and your beliefs shape those parameters. If you think you are bad at giving speeches, you probably will be. If you believe you work efficiently, you most likely do. The RAS helps you see what you want to see and in doing so, influences your actions.

Some people suggest that you can train your RAS by taking your subconscious thoughts and marrying them to your conscious thoughts. They call it “setting your intent.” This basically means that if you focus hard on your goals, your RAS will reveal the people, information and opportunities that help you achieve them."
  SOURCE:  Personal Blog of Tobias van Schneider

THE PACIFIC INSTITUTE (TPI) agrees with this and for the past 40 years TPI has been improving productivity and profitability in organizations around the world, like but not limited to:  City College, Fonterra, Sasol, Scotia Gas Works, Unilever, National American University, Coca Cola, Fresenius, Schneider, and Midland...

And, they do this using a training program that they developed focused around and using THE RETICULAR ACTIVATING SYSTEM...  and, I know this as being TRUTH because I participation when I worked for a proprietary college in Kentucky and not only did I participate in the program but I taught it as well to other employees...  and, if you seriously apply the principles, it works.

Wednesday, December 2

Only White People Can End Racism -- Blacks Should Not Be Held Accountable for Racism

This is what white people can do to end racism

Study what your forefathers did, then do the opposite
AUTHOR:  Brando Simeo Starkey

Four hundred years later, America’s congenital demon still bedevils it. A nation built for white people, though reliant upon Black sweat, remains unable to exorcise the paradoxical evil inherent in its birth. Time after time, this country reproduces its sins rather than atone for them. Yet, with protesters capturing the streets amid a global pandemic and coercing public opinion to swing in their favor, one hopes the day of reckoning has finally come.

The video-captured killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers jolted not just America, but the world. Black Lives Matter, a movement conceived in the blood of unarmed Black men, convinced the masses of its central thesis — America devalues Black life. Change of some sort appears imminent.

But to really complete the unfinished business of Reconstruction and the civil rights movement, white people must fight it out with each other over what being a respectable white person means. The victors need to allow only the anti-racist to be considered worthy of inclusion in the group. White folk must create an environment that compels other white folk to learn lest they incur the social wrath that accompanies not behaving like a respectable white person.

Many white folk continue to pose the question: “What can I do?” 

The answer is simple. Study what your forefathers did. Then do the opposite.

While I am sure that the above author is serious and at the risk of my comment being considered sarcastic, if I did the opposite of what my forefathers did, then I would have:
1.  Not written the Declaration of Independence
2.  Not written the US Constitution or the Bill of Rights
3.  Not freed the slaves
4.  Not fought the Civil War
5.  Not kept the Southern States from wanting to leave the Union 

Now, I am sure that the above author would say that my response should have been not had slaves at all...  but, it was not my forefathers that brought slaves to these shores because my forefathers were not my forefathers until they won the war of Independence from Great Britain...  Before that they were just a bunch of immigrants looking for a new place to live.

Thomas Jefferson was, not only a President, but he was extremely intelligent and created all sorts of inventions that benefitted the human race...  should I just forget all of that because he owned slaves?  And, what about the University of Virginia and the Serpentine Wall that is so famous...  should I just forget those as well?

Of course, there is Abraham Lincoln who was also our President and freed the slaves, and while he did not believe in owning slaves, he did not stop his wife from owning them...   so, to me, he seems a little hypocritical...

I will not nor will I EVER do the opposite of what my forefathers did just because they might have own slaves in my family...  nor will I do the opposite of what our other forefathers did because in spite of SLAVERY they were all brilliant men...  who laid the foundation for the USA to become the greatest country in WORLD HISTORY...  at least so far...

Can White People Stop Being White?

So, what is racism? One helpful definition comes from Matthew Clair and Jeffrey S. Denis’s “Sociology on Racism.” They define racism as “individual- and group-level processes and structures that are implicated in the reproduction of racial inequality.” Systemic racism happens when these structures or processes are carried out by groups with power, such as governments, businesses or schools. Racism differs from bias, which is a conscious or unconscious prejudice against an individual or group based on their identity.

Basically, racial bias is a belief. Racism is what happens when that belief translates into action. For example, a person might unconsciously or consciously believe that people of color are more likely to commit crime or be dangerous. That’s a bias. A person might become anxious if they perceive a black person is angry. That stems from a bias. These biases can become racism through a number of actions ranging in severity, and ranging from individual- to group-level responses...
  SOURCE:, author Cory Collins

according to Cory Collins, it is ok for a white person to be biased...  as long as this white person does not put that bias into action like walking to the other side of the street avoid a group of black people because this white person has a bias that black people are dangerous...

Cory Collins does not take into consideration the circumstances that caused this white person to exercise his bias...  such as the white person being retired or handicapped and that this same action would have been taken if there was a group of people were white.  It also does not take into consideration, the time of day or if this group of black people are young, old, or middle aged or how they might have been dressed...  it also does not take into consideration if this white person crossing the street is male or female...  nor does it take into consideration their religious beliefs or any previous encounters like this where the outcomes were less than positive...

all biased action is not necessarily an indication of racism...  and yet...  the BLACKS think that it is...

this still does not explain to me how to get rid of my whiteness or what whiteness is exactly...  I am assuming that whiteness is another word for white privilege.  And, I can assure you that not all white person were born into the ranks of white privilege...  for that guarantee, you need to check out the students who are attending the IVY LEAGUE colleges and universities.

The average white person, male or female, typically works for someone else and is considered labor not management.  And if, this average white person is labor, then the odds are that they were raised no where near the concepts of white privilege.  Even those in management are not always from the ranks of white privilege, even though they have ended up as managers of retail stores, manufacturing plants, restaurants, hotels, motels, and resorts...  I would suspect that they, over the years, worked their way up through the ranks.

and I remember this quite vividly that when my Dad worked for the Federal Government in the Department of Agriculture, he was FORCED to hire a certain PERCENTAGE of BLACKS whether they were qualified or not and the employment security of his position was dependent upon how well these unqualified employees performed...

White privilege or not...  that was not fair to him...  but, the government thought it was fair to the BLACKS...

Is this how the government is going to help us REMOVE OUR WHITENESS....

How do you suppose that our government is going to help the Blacks remove their BLACKNESS and the chip on their shoulders because of slavery that was perpetrated on their ancestors over 200 years ago?

If WHITENESS needs to go so too does BLACKNESS need to go...

I mean we are talking about EQUALITY...  right?

Are Whites The Only Ones That Are Racists?



BECAUSE...  the blacks are the ones feeling persecuted and seem to be taking advantage of the publicity surrounding the MURDERS of black people by WHITE OFFICERS...  consequently, the WHITE MAN has got to be to blame...  especially since we permitted slavery to exist in this country for hundreds of years...


BECAUSE...   the mainstream media is more or less sanctioning the deliberate and premeditating killing of WHITE police officers as a form of RETRIBUTION rather than as a form of REVENGE...   which is exactly what it was...

BUT...  blacks are NEVER considered RACISTS...

The other issue that really strikes me curiously stupid is the fact that EVERYONE is HOLLERING that the WHITE MAN must change...  forget about the black man changing...  the change has got to come from the WHITE MAN...

  • Whitey must change his attitude...   HOW?
  • Whitey must change his whiteness...   HOW?
  • Whitey must change his pre-conceived ideas...   HOW?
  • Whitey must change his instincts...   HOW?
  • Whitey must feel the pain and suffering of the Blacks...  HOW?
  • Whitey must feel the guilt of slavery...   WHY? and HOW?
  • Whitely must eliminate all biases against Blacks...   HOW?
  • Whitely must accept all aspects of the Black culture...   WHY? 
  • Whitey must stop acting white...  HOW? and WHY?

I don't understand how BLACKS feel and I never will no matter how hard I try...  and, this is just like asking people to feel what it is like to have CHEMO SICKNESS when one is not taking any chemo...  or, asking a man to feel what it is like for a female to have a baby, especially when the actually delivery takes several hours.

I was not a part of SLAVERY in America or in any other parts of the WORLD.  And, I don't believe that I should be held accountable for what my ancestors did.  I don't think slavery was morally or ethically valid or correct and I would be opposed to it ever happening again...

BUT...   I am just as much a current slave of the WHITE MAN'S SYSTEM as the Black Man simply because I am not wealthy, nor do I or ever did I hold positions of power and control that were exercised inappropriate because I let the power go to my head...


The Justification of Truth

 What is TRUTH?

"that which is true..."  but there is more, " accordance with fact or reality."

however:  facts can be manipulated to prove one reality over another...  all we have to do is look inside our courts of law to see how truth really plays out.

And, that is not just me being a tad sarcastic, but an undisputable truth...  as far as truth is concerned.

We are finding out quite ABRUPTLY, I might add as a result of the Black Lives Matter Movement, that the truth recorded in our history books...  those books that are used to teach students in our elementary schools and high school is NOT TELLING THE TRUTH AT ALL ABOUT SLAVERY...  and, this leaves one's mind wondering what other truths are actually LIES...  even though we never tell LIES we just inaccurately report the truth.

If facts about SLAVERY were not true, the what about those facts revolving around:
  • the civil war
  • the killing of Lincoln
  • the wild wild west
  • Native Americans
  • WWI and WWII
It does leaves one wondering how our AMERICAN LEADERS JUSTIFY THEIR TRUTHS...  especially politics, since the nature of politics was born out of the gutters of our city streets.

Should we now question the TRUTH about our:
  1. History
  2. Politics
  3. Voting
  4. Business
  5. Wars
  6. Religions
  7. Education
  8. Healthcare
  9. Pharmaceuticals
  10. UFO's and Aliens
I know FOR A FACT (Reality) that my parents LIED to me when I was a child...  so, I lied when I became an adult as my parents were my teachers and were the most influential in and on my life...  but, that does not justify what they or I did...  now does it?

A lie is still a lie...

HOWEVER, some of believe that we are not lying, if we simply WITHHOLD THE TRUTH...

AND...  you would not believe the various justifications on this one...

A Utopian World With Utopian Communities

In order to stop all the senseless violence and wars between nations that have not only proved expensive and counterproductive when it comes to our survival, I am proposing the following SOCIETAL STRUCTURE...

At the top of this new concept of governance with be:






The CHAIRMAN will appoint Vice Presidents of the following:
  1. Military and Exploration
  2. Commerce and Resources
  3. Enforcement and Logistics
  4. Finance and Reparations
  5. Housing, Healthcare, Education, Recreation

At the next level will be three bodies of global legislatures...

THE GLOBAL UNIFICATION SENATE - will be composed of elected representatives from all 7 continents and will be responsible for providing the world with a CHAIRMAN

NOTE:  Advising the SENATE will be representatives of all military branches of all countries:  Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines, Space, and Special Forces

THE GLOBAL COUNCIL OF DIPLOMATS -  will be composed of elected representative from all nations

THE GLOBAL COUNCIL OF SPIRITUAL ADVISORS - will be composed of elected representatives of all religions and spiritual groups

NOTE:  these three bodies must work together to develop rules and regulations by which all the world's global communities will follow, 

At the next level, will be two Judicial Courts of Review in case there are any challenges to the law:

THE GLOBAL UNIFICATION SUPREME COURT - will be composed of 2 elected representative of each of the 7 continents:  one legal, one spiritual...  these 14 will elect their leader who will be replaced by someone from their county so that there will always be 15.

THE GLOBAL UNIFICATION JUDICIAL REVIEW - will be composed of elected representatives of all global nations


  • There will be no currencies only CREDITS put on flash drive cards
  • All housing will be given free by the government
  • All medical, eye, hearing, and dental will be given free b the government
  • All citizen will receive a clothing allowance
  • All education is free
  • All public transportation is free:  buses and trains
  • Credits will be given based up level of job and quality outputs in all professions
  • Workers can work as long or as brief as they want
  • The will be subsistence credits given freely for those who don't want to work
  • All citizens will spend 5 years in the military with no exceptions
  • Citizens will own nothing but what was given to them by the government or purchased themselves
  • travel anywhere is permitted except for medical restrictions
  • additional free items can be granted upon approved request

Tuesday, December 1

The Devil's End


The Poverty of Wealth

My life began on Halloween in 1947 and some might say that it was an auspicious occasion...  but, I say it was another one of those days when nothing out of the ordinary really happened...  I grew up in Alexandria, VA although my recorded place of birth was Raleigh, North Carolina and attended high school in Cairo, Egypt after which there was college, the military, more college, and a less than stellar 45 years of retirement before retirement got my goat.

Throughout my lifetime or call it what you will, I have experienced the following:

  1. a life of wealth and privilege
  2. a life of poverty and despair
  3. a life with servants and cooks
  4. several trips throughout Europe and the Middle East
  5. several Caribbean, Mediterranean, and Hawaiian cruises
  6. travels all over the United States
  7. heart attack and cancer treatments
  8. the sheer panic of almost dying in the ER
  9. living from paycheck to paycheck
  10. middle aged work as a hourly worker/laborer
  11. the frustration and depression of unemployment
  12. the constant lies of all politicians
  13. the incompetent decisions of upper management
  14. the harsh treatment of production quotas
  15. the insane arrogance of the wealthy
  16. the insincerity of both men and women
  17. the lives wasted by fighting foreign wars
  18. the demonstrations of civil disobedience
  19. law enforcement people breaking the law
  20. the stupidity of debt and becoming debt free
Not many people can say that they have done or experienced what I have done and there are no doubt many people who have done and/or accomplished much more than I... but my situation is good enough for me to say that I am simply glad and fortunate that I am not wealthy and will die almost in poverty...

Life is not about fighting wars, becoming wealthy, going to college, or earning as much money as you can for doing as little as you can.  Life is about life and living free and truly understanding what they freedom means...  and, that cannot be accomplished or experienced if you are blessed with wealth.

The more wealth and possessions you have the deeper into poverty you sink just like the sinker on the end of a fishing line.  The more knowledge you have the less you truly understand because academic knowledge is based on the thoughts of others and never on your own, otherwise you would be teaching the class and not someone else.

Knowledge can be found anywhere and especially now since we have the internet...  and knowledge is no longer limited to a college degree targeting a specific major but whatever you want to learn and understand...  it is all there...  for free...  except a monthly access fee which is a hell of a lot cheaper than going to college or university.

And, if you can go to college, you are smart and capable enough of teaching yourself!!!

The more wealth that one has the more wealth that one continues to want...  what is owned now is never enough...  a wealth addict is what you turn out to be...  wealth control you more than you control wealth which is why you can never stop...  look it up on the internet and see what disease you have if you don't believe me.

The moment you die you are as poor as you were at birth...  nothing has changed...  except you gained a lot of arrogance and were consumed by a will that was not your own...  but as old as life itself as well educated scientists are still trying to figure out HOW IT ALL STARTED...  their education has left them powerless to do anything more than speculate and form opinions based upon speculation and conjecture...  How smart has their educated lives become?

You don't need academic knowledge to become intelligent
You don't need wealth to become wealthy
You don't need life to learn how to die