Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Saturday, July 30

Focusing on Rotten Publishing

When I say that white supremacy makes for terrible readers, I mean that white supremacy is, among its myriad ills, a formative collection of fundamentally shitty reading techniques that impoverishes you as a reader, a thinker, and a feeling person; it’s an education that promises that whole swaths of the world and their liveliness will be diminished in meaning to you. Illegible, intangible, forever unreal as cardboard figures in a diorama.

They don’t know how to read us, I’ve heard fellow writer friends of color complain, usually after a particularly frustrating Q&A in which a white person has either taken offense to something in our books or in the discussion (usually the mention of whiteness at all will be enough to offend these particularly thin-skinned readers), or said something well-meaning but ultimately self-serving, usually about how their story made them feel terrible about your country.

White supremacy is a comprehensive cultural education whose primary function is to prevent people from reading—engaging with, understanding—the lives of people outside its scope. This is even more apparent in the kind of reading most enthusiastically trafficked by the white liberal literary community that has such an outsize influence, intellectually and economically, on the publishing industry today.

The unfortunate influence of this style of reading has dictated that we go to writers of color for the gooey heart-porn of the ethnographic: to learn about forgotten history, harrowing tragedy, community-destroying political upheaval, genocide, trauma; that we expect those writers to provide those intellectual commodities the way their ancestors once provided spices, minerals, precious stones, and unprecious bodies.  READ MORE...

Monday, June 7

Do Ya Wanna Write?

The best way that I know how to answer the question:  Do Ya Wanna Write? is to answer the question by letting the reader know what I did in my life...  when I answered that question with, "yes, I do wanna write."

For me, the question was answered in 1972, 48 years ago, when I started writing poetry in the mornings so that I would have something to do while drinking coffee at McDonald's every morning before attending my college classes.

In addition to writing poetry, I joined a local Writers Club and began writing Short Stories and a couple of plays, as I recall.

I also remember taking creative writing classes at our local community college because the cost of each course was only $10.

My degree in college was English, so we were always asked to write out debates, essays, critiques, term papers, etc., and whenever we had a writing assignment, I would write more than was required unless the Professor indicated that writing more would lower the grade.

My term/research paper required a 20 page length and I would typically write a 40-50 page length.

One of my first jobs was writing package inserts for a microbiological media manufacturer which again allowed me to practice my writing.  When I directed a local non-profit, I would love to write press releases because again it allowed me to practice.

After several years, I joined LinkedIn and spent the next few years writing 1,000 word opinion articles that I posted as often as I could write them.  When I stopped that social media account, I had posted over 1,200 articles.

Next, I started writing novels and while writing those novels, maintained 4 blogs on a daily basis which also required writing and posting articles.

IN SHORT, I wrote something all the frigging time and the more I wrote the better I got or that is what others said who read what I had to write.

TO DATE, I have completed 2 - 350 page novels, and have started 2 other novels and complete a chapter outline of a third.  Before the end of 2021, I will finish all 3 in-progress novels while continuing to maintain my 4 blogs and write poetry, along with whatever other letter writing I can manage to fit in.


Tuesday, May 11

Life Goes On

Life in America now is different than life in America was...  at least for the old timers...  who were around in the 1960's with the Vietnam War, Demonstrations on college campuses, Race Riots, and Woodstock...  although, there is more to it than just that...  it also includes an increase in the quality of life that revolves around:

  • higher wages
  • better healthcare
  • quality education
  • housing
  • clothes
  • technology
  • transportation
  • communications
AND...  just when life starts to get interesting, my mentality is to retire and extricate myself from the rigors or employment which is mainly because of asshole bosses who are more incompetent than government workers.

Retirement is good...   and, it is good not because I can sleep in or not shave or wear what I want to, but because I have enough money to do whatever it is that I want to do even with my limited resources...  in other words, I can go out to dinner and order the $13 Salmon rather than the $25 Filet Mignon...   or, I can go to a resort area on the East Coast and get an efficiency condo for $1,200/week rather than an efficiency condo for $2,500/week.

During the winter months, I pretty much stay inside but when the weather is warm, I am on the back porch or I am working in the yard; however, regardless of the weather and my physical location, I spend an enormous amount of time writing.  My writing consists of articles that I publish on my 3 blogs, most of which I write myself, others borrowed but given credit, publishing poems on my 4th blog, and writing a few pages each day on a novel.

To date, I have written two and a half novels, and am working on my 4th without finishing my 3rd.  Why did I do this?  No sure...  other than I got tired of writing or questioned my ability to write and when I returned, decided to start something new.

Will I contact publishers?

Not sure...

Am I writing just to be writing or am I writing to be published?

Again, not sure...

But, writing keeps me busy and occupied and in retirement I suppose that is a good thing.

However, some people like to continue working and continue building up their wealth.  I have no desire to build wealth as long as I have enough money to meet my needs and the needs of my wife after I die.

Am I being un American?

Perhaps...  but, I have never like the concept of GREED or the concept of climbing to the top of the ladder just so I could say that I got there...

Saturday, May 8

A Retired Influence

Mornings begin slowly...  here in the valley...  what with coffee and cats and pills and cable...  food around noon - not always breakfast but more along the lines of what I am hungry for.

Blogs come next as I decide what it is that I want to accomplish with each one and how far ahead in the schedule do I want to be...  so that I don't have to post something just so I can continue to say that I post daily; although, I am reconsidering that mindset what with my daily visitor numbers.

My Reflections blog for my poetry publishing has been around since 2009, over 12 years, so it has over 14,000 pageviews or about 1,000/year or  83/month or about 3/day.

And while my other 3 blogs have been around since 2019/2020 they are averaging about the same daily pageviews as Reflections so I have a small group of readers that enjoy reading what I want to write and/or share...  because I do share articles written by other people who are writing articles that appeal to me and don't want to take the time to research and write my own opinions; however, many of those ideas I have already research before I started posting articles on blogs.

Right now, posting articles on these 4 blogs keeps me busy during my retirement...  and if I did not have these blogs to maintain, I am not sure what I would be doing...  because I really don't have any other hobbies or interests...

I am writing novels as well but I am not sure if I am going to do anything with these novels like try to find a publisher.  That effort could be emotionally stressful and I am not confident that this is what I want to engage in at my age.

I am simply comfortable with who I am right now and no longer have to worry about being something else or trying to be something else as if I am not happy with who I am...  and, I am happy with who I am.

Friday, December 4

I Must Be Crazy

I can see my reflection on the monitor screen as my laptop boots us...  an old face, deep set brown eyes with wrinkles at the corners,  a grey toboggan covering my head and forehead under the hood of a heavy duty, fleeced lined sweatshirt zippered half way up...  even though my laptop is 5 years old it still boots up rather quickly and instantly I am connected to the internet as if someone had played a magic trick on me...  wool socks with leather soles are on both feet and except for my hands, I feel rather warm and toasty to be sitting outside on my back porch deck in weather less than 40...  

A light rain makes concentric rings as it hits standing water and for a moment or two, I watch them disperse and disappear as other drops of rain takes their place in my time and space...  a cooling cup of coffee in a paper cup from McD's is on my left side with McCafe spelled out in brown letters...  our fat (due to steroids for congestion) yellow cat joins me on the deck wanting to continue its way outside but changes his mind when he sees all the rain...  and, the heat from all my clothes makes me sweat a little and for another moment I wonder how long it will be before I decide to go back inside and quit enjoying all this nice weather...

On the other side of my deck rails are the stumps of the bushes I cut down about 2-3 feet above the ground and while I cannot see them from my vantage point, I am just as confident that they are still there as I am that they will again grow tall in the spring of this new year...  a 4X4 treated post stands firm in the ground and supports a blue bird house I made out of the old decking I replaced this year and while there are no inhabitants, I have seen a couple checking it out as a possibility...

Neighbor's leaves have once again blown into my back yard and as soon as it stops raining and the grass dries out, I will again mow that area for the third time...  and, while it is a tad annoying to do this each year, it does help my grass grow strong...  and, as I stop to reflect upon it all, I notice the rain is still falling and the sounds that it makes when it hits an object seems to be getting stronger and stronger...  as if the rain is going to replace the early snow that feel a few days ago...  and, even though it did not last that long on the ground, it was still early and not being a farmer, I have no way of knowing if that is a good sign or not...

And...  while it may seem a little funny to you or even weird, I still do not feel the least bit cold...  not even my bare typing fingers...  the rain has decided to increase and there is no doubts about it...  falling like it does during a typical summer shower...   and, while this is good for the 3 new spots that we sowed grass seed, it is not good for the one task that I was going to perform outside today...  and, while its delay will not bother me...  it will bother the other resident who lives in this house with me...

My second cup of coffee tastes as good as the first and I am not sure what I am doing, if anything, differently to have all this good luck...  but, it would appear that the rain is starting to subside and I really must go and start what I need to do so I can finish before this cup of coffee gets cold...

Thursday, December 3

My Desire to Write

Caricature 1977 by Tom Edgerton, a NC Artist
I wrote my first poem in high school (1962-1966) while we were living in Cairo, Egypt and it was about some female with whom I was infatuated but said nothing...  as I recall I wrote the poem in green ink while listening to "Tired of Waiting," by the KINKS.  I have no idea where that written down poem is...  probably thrown away with all my other stuff from high school that I got tired of holding onto.

In 1966, I attended a small 4 year college in North Carolina and started writing poems on a regular basis while waiting for my classes to start...  at that point, while I did not write a lot or even consistently everyday, I NEVER STOPPED WRITING...  and, a couple of years later started writing short stories along with my poems, even though I had never taken any classes in creative writing as it was just something I wanted to do.

To date that is to say from 1966 until 2020 (54 years), I have written the following:
  • over 42,000 poems
  • 1200 opinion articles under a fake name on LinkedIn (profile deleted after being hacked, articles lost)
  • 2.5 novels (0ver 300 pages each or 90,000 words) out of 12 outlined
  • maintain 4 blogs daily
    • Journal of Daily Pages
    • Reflections: White Scorpion
    • Bipolar Scorpion
    • My Cancer Pilgrimage

I did not stop writing my novels because I got tired of writing novels but because I started questioning myself about being a writer that people wanted to read...  and, the more I questioned myself, the more I decided that maybe writing novels, at this time, was not the best direction to take with my retired life.  SO...  I started focusing on publishing my poems on Reflections: White Scorpion instead.  Was this the right approach to take?  I don't know actually...  but, it is one that I am following at least for a while...  In the back of my mind, while I have no real desire to write all 12 novels, I do have a desire to complete the first 4, because the other 8 are simply sequels.

Instead of sending greeting cards, I write my own poem instead as to me, it seems that it might be more valuable since it is personal.  At the funeral of both my parents, I read poems I had written the night before in their honor.  And, my wife has volunteered me several times to write poems to several people for their high school graduation or wedding.

Writing poems is not easy although once I start, all the words just seem to flow out of me onto paper with relative easy...  however, the pump is not always that easy to prime.

Most of the time, I am writing opinion pieces on the above mentioned blogs not necessarily to increase my readership but to get those thoughts out of my mind.  As you can see, I am quite opinionated even though I am not always right.  I expect the worst but hope for the best and I am never disappointed because one of those two damn scenarios will always happen.

I have always been a rebel, breaking the rules, and sometimes making my own as I go along.  I kiss no one ass nor do I expect anyone to kiss mine.  I earn my own way, never asking anyone to open the door for me.  I will never violate my ethics or integrity, although I have violated my moral.  I am a liberal who was smoking pot and protesting long before it was popular or cool which includes wearing long hair before long hair was "in" and attended a concert called WOODSTOCK once upon a time...  there is no better music than the music of the 60's especially the lyrics because they were all poetry.

I am a conservative liberal because I don't believe in debt basically, but the liberals of today are so far out in left field that they can all kiss my ass before I will give them the time of day.  I am not into SOCIALISM, nor am I into WEALTH, POWER, and CONTROL and I don't give a damn if you want to own a gun or get an abortion but you DAMN SURE BETTER NOT TAKE AWAY MY FIRST AMENDMENT or censor the news because it does not play well.

In my opinion for the last 4 years the mainstream media should be ashamed of themselves...  and, because of what they did or did not do, I lost all respect for journalists and reporters, putting them into the same category as LAWYERS...

Wednesday, November 18

A Sense of Purpose

THIS MORNING...   in less than 20 minutes, I wrote down 5 poems, each of 10 lines or more, sometimes 20 and this was done spontaneously and without the blinking of an eye or hesitation so that I might find the right word...  and for me, it does not matter if the damn poems are good or not or even worth reading because these words came out of my head not yours or any other...

LAST NIGHT...  when it was dark, I ventured downstairs to the hot tub and I lay submerged in those relaxing hot waters, I looked skyward upon the sky filled with stars of all shapes and sizes whose light I was seeing was at least 8 minutes old...   and I wondered while relaxing if I would ever connect with its cosmic consciousness... and thought...

my heart beats stereophonic rhythms in my ears
when my head lays back upon the porcelain,
my body remains submerged and languishing
in the one hundred and three degree temperatures...

It was almost immediately that these 4 lines appeared in my head while staring up at the sky and wondering if I was ever going to make contact with some ancient alien...   and then, a flash of insight ran its course through my body and when it appeared at the top of me, an idea quickly formulated and simply but without a doubt knew what had to be done.

Currently, I maintain 4 blogs:
  • one for poetry new and old
  • one for my daily journal entries so to speak
  • one for my ongoing cancer issues
  • one for my paranoid schizophrenia (I only wish but I am still just bipolar)
My writings now contain the following as well:
  • 42,000 poems previously written
  • poetry occasionally written in notebooks
  • previously written opinion articles published on LinkedIn
  • two and one half novel written (300 pages each) out of 12 outlined
MY INSIGHT...  I will continue writing daily just as I have always done, but now my life's purpose is to type up and publish all of my writing on one of these 4 blogs until I have nothing left to publish other than what I am currently writing.

RETIRED...  I have been retired now, going on my 7th year, without any hobbies of which to speak or desire to play tennis or golf or sit upon the couch eating popcorn watching foolish professional compete for millions of dollars worth of salary, only to destroy their God given bodies.  For a good five years I have floundered, not really knowing what to do...  and, it was right in front of me all the time...  and, I would be dead today if it has been a poisonous snake.

Sunday, October 18

Sundays in the Valley

Being retired, it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between days of the week and days of the weekend but since so much of my life revolves around doctor's appointments, treatment appointments, other appointments, and THINGS TO DO...  I find it absolutely imperative that I keep an open calendar with me pretty much all the time nowadays...

So, today is Sunday and for me it is a day without exercising as I need to give my body and it old muscles and tendons a chance to rest a little...  because, the exercising starts again tomorrow and goes through the entire week including Saturday which is down downstairs on our own stationary bike and treadmill.

But Sundays are also SPIRITUAL DAYS for me as I reflect upon all the spiritual gifts that I have been given, including my diseases as well as my ability to think and formulate opinions many of which are based upon my interpretations of what I perceive to be true or at least reasonably true in my limited way of thinking.

For instance, I am a BORN AGAIN LIBERAL actually I was never unborn from that philosophy and oftentimes my family and friends have referred to me as an irritating REBEL...  in the sense that I really do not like to obey the rules, especially when the rules do not apply to all situations as we try to force them to apply.

However, I am also a conservative in that I believe in being debt free and having no debt at all in addition to believing that it is business not the worker that create growth opportunities for the economy.  Workers, as I have come to realize throughout my 45 year career are an EXPENDABLE COMMODITY like electricity, heating and air, and paper for the Xerox machine...  even though labor perceives itself as being a tad more critical than that.

Even management and all its levels are expendable when it comes to generating a profit, earnings, and a dividend for shareholders or stockholders who have infused the business enterprise with capital.   

BUT MORE IMPORTANT is our Government.

Our Government should be SMALL and it should NOT TELL US what to do with our lives or with our bodies, especially females.  If females want to have an abortion and for whatever reason(s) they should be allowed to have that abortion...  BUT THE GOVENMENT SHOULD NOT PAY FOR IT...  that is a cost that should be the responsibility of the female, even if she was raped...  unless she can force the rapist to pay for it...  and then, our government should get involved to provide a free legal defense for the female.

My breakfasts are usually taken leisurely since I have been retired but on Sundays, sometimes Saturdays, I like to reward myself with an Omelet, breakfast potatoes, and pancakes from our local PERKINS restaurant who does an EXCELLENT job in preparing these three items.  I usually wash it all down with a POT OF COFFEE.

However today was not a Perkins day and I prepared myself a small cup of grits with vege sausage, and a 1/4 cup of shredded mixed cheese and an English Muffin and washed it all down with a pod or two or three of McCafe Coffee with two spoons of Sugar Free Cappuccino Mix...  and only two spoons as when there is more added, the balance of taste is off a tad.

I eat this quickly prepared breakfast was watch the AQUARIUM SCREEN SAVER that is provided by my ROKU box free of charge...  actually, most everything is free of charge once you purchase the box and works incredibly well if you have an internet provider.  In our case, it is Charter which is now Spectrum and is the one responsible for those stupid commercials which are easily remembered which is kinda the point I suppose.

I will remain in this vegetative state for most of the day, writing and posting thoughts on my blogs, until I realize that the sun has disappeared and it is now time for me to relax in the hot tub...

Thursday, May 28

Over My Lifetime

I always write in the mornings with coffee...
From 1972 until 2015, about 43 years +/-, I have been seriously writing poetry everyday...  usually in the mornings when my mind is fresh and open...  and, when I stopped writing poetry in a serious way, I counted them all and discovered that I had over 42,000 of those jokers...  In 2009, I decided to create my first blog that would be totally dedicated (for the most part, not counting all the extra pages) to the publishing of my poems.  Nothing much happened that year, and the next year that blog was completely ignored but in 2011 I started publishing more and by 2012, I was publishing a poem everyday which lasted until 2018 when I slowed down again, and in 2019 only published two...  but, in 2020, I decided to start publishing again...  except this time, I also created three other blogs that because I was retired, felt like I had plenty of available time to devote to them.

On December 26, 2001, I began keeping a daily journal that I referred to as DAILY PAGES for some reason and I was so obsessed with writing everyday that I filled up a 100 page (200 pages both sides) every 3 months...  so, for a solid 18 years I have been writing my Daily Pages and keeping them and have all 70+ notebooks in a file cabinet in the basement.

In 2020, one of my new blogs JOURNAL OF DAILY PAGES was theoretically supposed to substitute for my DAILY PAGES but I still write in these notebooks but not as much because I have my online forum.  These days, these notebooks record my financial calculations and calories for the various meals that I cook.

This morning, sitting out on the back porch thinking about my poetry, I began to calculate how long would it take for me to publish all my poems.  According to my calculations, if I published 5 each day, it would take a little over 21 years or 10 a day would take a little over 11 years.  These last several days and some are still scheduled to be published, I have a series where 3-4 are published each day and a second series where 13 are scheduled to be published...

I'm toying with the idea of publishing all my poems before I die or before I get too old to type...


Vanity I suppose.

Monday, May 11


In 1974, I graduated from a NC University with a degree in English after entering that same University in 1966 after taking a leave of absence to spend a few years in the US Navy stationed at the Little Creek piers associated with the Norfolk Naval Base in Virginia.  In essence, it took me four and a half years to complete 4 years of higher education.

Why did I get an English Degree?

Not sure, other than I was interested in all forms of literature which included poetry with which I had been toying.

While my first job had nothing to do with my English degree, I nonetheless continued to write more and more poetry.  This typically took place at Hardees around 7:00 am while drinking coffee before work.  I would drink a couple of cups of coffee (refills were free) while sitting off by myself writing.  This morning writing routine lasted from 1972 until about 2012 and over those 40 years, I managed to write over 42,000 poems...

From 2012 through 2018, I started writing opinion articles over 1,000 words in length that I posted on LINKEDIN under a fake name because I did not want a link to my employer as some of these opinion articles were very pointed towards inappropriate behaviors my my employers that crossed lines of integrity.

In 2018/2019, I decided to turn my attention to writing NOVELS and came up with 4 novel ideas that would have 3 sequels each or 12 novels in total.  I actually completed 2 of these novels and was half way through the third novel, when my sister said she was having a hard time reading my first novel...  even though it was actually supposed to be a friend of hers who was reading and critiquing it.  That comment ruined my motivation and I stopped right then and there completing my 3rd novel.

What I then focused on was my 4 blogs:

  1. A Journal of Daily Pages -  is a blog about thoughts I have
  2. A Bipolar Scorpion -  is a blog about being bipolar
  3. My Cancer Odyssey -  is a blog about living with cancer
  4. Reflections: White Scorpion - is a blog where I publish my 42,000 poems

What I have noticed about ALL OF MY WRITING is that I seldom edit or rewrite.  I suppose that I am flawed if I don't edit or rewrite but I just don't feel that I need to because what I wrote the first time is what I felt at that point-in-time other than correcting punctuation or spelling.  This works for poetry but not so much for prose...  but, that is my style...

UNFORTUNATELY, none of my poems, articles, or other writings have ever been published professionally...    And...   while I would like to be published professionally, I write and continue to write because I want to...  and no doubt,  I will write until die...


Not sure what inspires me to do so but I am just compelled to write about something everyday.

Thursday, April 16

Why Do I Write?

What an interested question that I have just posed to myself...

I do not see myself as a Professional Writer because I did not earn a living from writing, nor am I a Published Writer although I did self-publish a book of poetry entitled Reflections In Thought that I sold - 500 copies in all - but, that was mainly because I wanted to teach myself the printing process.  I did all my own layout boards, burned my own printing plates, operated the printing press, collated all the printed sheets, folded, stapled, and trimmed the edges.  I sold them at a local bookstore for $10 each, paying the bookstore a commission of $2 for each one sold.  I have about 50 booklets left that I was giving away as gifts to people with whom I worked to show my appreciation.

But, that really doesn't answer the question, does it?

A wrote a couple of poems in high school but I did not really take writing poetry seriously until after graduating from high school and needed something to do while drinking coffee in the student union waiting for my 9 am classes to begin in college.  I felt self-conscious just sitting there with a cup of coffee.  I doubt those first poems I wrote were worth a damn, but when I stopped writing poetry  on a daily basis in 2015, I had written over 42,000 of those "suckers" and I am sure that some of them had to fairly good.

I write what I feel at the moment and NEVER edit anything unless there is a spelling mistake or a glaring grammatical error.

After writing poetry for several years, I created a fake profile on LinkedIn and started publishing 1,000 word opinion articles on that forum.  I used a fake name in case my employers were checking up on their employees and I did not want to be "fired" for writing something negative about who hired me which I did often.  All totaled, I wrote between 1,200 - 1,500 of those articles.

Why the range?

Well, I decided to merge my fake profile with my real profile and in so doing I lost all my fake profile articles.  I have written and published about 200 articles on my real profile.  All my articles were saved on a file on my personal computer and I have not decided yet whether to take the time to publish them all again.

So, I wrote because I feel something that I want to put down on paper and I write because I have a
personal opinion that I want to share.  Currently I am writing because I want to share my personal experiences being a cancer patient for over 12 years and my attitudes living with the highs and lows of being bipolar...   so, there is a clinical and medical reason why I write as well that was not a foundation for my writing earlier as I wanted to keep my personal and medical life QUIET...  but then, when that is done nobody learns from my experiences or mistakes.

This is why I write...  at least, this is why I think I write today...  tomorrow, I might find another or alternate reason for my public writing.

Monday, April 13

Staying at Home -- 5th Week

For my wife and I, we started staying at home March 16, 2020, and I remember when I went to my
monthly cancer treatment last month on March 26, I was wearing a surgical mask and disposable gloves and made a point of gargling mouthwash in my car before leaving the parking lot...  We postponed all our medical appointment until the month of June except for those that were critical to our health and for one I had a video teleconference...

Once or twice a week, my wife who has a better immune system than I do, drives to a restaurant for a take out meal so that we can support our local restaurants as best as we can.

From what I have heard on FOX NEWS, many Americans are having a difficult time staying at home because they are the most comfortable and relaxed when they are around other people.  I logically understand why it is difficult for those people while at the same time cannot identify with those feelings because I have never needed to be around people for my happiness or sense of self-worth or comfort.

What do I do each day?

First of all, I give our three cats their morning treats and then fill their food bowls which are typically empty from their nocturnal hunger...

Second, I watch FOX News for a couple of hours while drinking coffee in an effort to stimulate my body to have a bowel movement...  sounds crazy...  but, this has been a routine for me since 1966 and 99% of the time it works perfectly...

Third, I start writing...
I have a Composition Notebook in which I write each day.  It could be thoughts, feelings, concerns, a list of things to do, financial analysis of our future funds, recipes that I found on the Internet, counting my calories for a meal I want to cook, a political opinion, ideas for a novel, and possibly a poem which does not happen that often anymore.

I review my 4 blogs and make sure that something is ready to be posted for the day and if not, then I create a post and schedule it.

Fourth, I eat breakfast and take my 6 morning pills.

Fifth, I work on my chores either inside the house or outside the house.

Sixth, is lunch.

Seventh, is preparing article for my blogs which includes research.

Eighth, I cook something if I need to and if I don't I play with the cats.

Ninth, I eat dinner

Tenth, I watch something that we recorded on Cable or a series on Netflix until it is time for my evening pills and bed.

This is my routine and it never gets old.
I am comfortable being with my wife and cats and writing.
I want for nothing. 
I am content.

Saturday, April 11

My Writing Adventure

I have a passion for writing but that does not mean that I am a professional writer or that I am even good at writing...   I just like to write...

My writing journey began in 1972 after being discharged from the US Navy, I returned to college and began writing poetry before class in the student union while drinking coffee...

In 2009, I created a blog for the sole purpose of publishing my poetry, below is the link:

Reflections:  White Scorpion

Here are some examples of the kind of poems that I write...   and, if you do visit my poetry blog please let me know what you think...

We are shielded 
by the loose-fitting
clothes of our failures,
yet we continually 
change our dress to 
the seasons 
of our dreams...
circa 1977


morning is a figment of my imagination

or, at least that is what it seems to be,

since my thoughts have been stolen by

the very aspect of old age, leaving me

with a presumption of innocence from

not being able to protect them so well.



how silly i am to wonder

as i do these mornings

when alone with my cats

I ponder the universe

and my place within it,

hoping to case purpose

and meaning to my existence

that, in my case, appears

to be a little misplaced;

still, we all have works to perform

people to meet and things

to accomplish resemble a

an answer to our pondering,

but still i wonder in a debating

playful way what it is precisely

for which i am here and available.



One of the first ideas that one learns
in a communications class is the concept 
For many of us, I suppose, this sound overly simplistic, but at the same time profoundly true and a concept that many of also abuse because we do not listen and when we do listen, we hear on that which we want to hear, filtering out all the rest...

Our biggest problem in life is COMMUNICATIONS...

Be that as it may be,
I have spent the last few days listening to FOX News and their interpretation and explanation of the NEWS which has, for the most part, solely revolved around COVID-19...  and an occasional comment or two regarding how the Democrats are trying to fuck with President Trump again.  My personal feelings is that I hope America pay the Democrats back just as hard as they pay the Chinese back for giving the world this pandemic.

PAYBACK is not the best emotion to have but sometimes payback is the only course of action when behavior is witnessed that is inappropriate.  In this case, Democratic Payback is to take place at the ballot box, voting these Democrats out-of-office.

Tuesday, April 7


I maintain several blogs on an irregular or daily basis besides this one.

Reflections: White Scorpion ⇒ is a poetry blog that was started in 2009 to publish the poetry that I had written over my lifetime.  Each poem is accompanied by a photo to draw the reader's attention into the poem's meaning.

We Were Just Wondering ⇒  is a blog that my friend Vic Adamus and I started in 2005.  Vic and I posted everyday until his death from colon cancer in 2015 and I continued for another year until I decided that it was a blog for the two of us not just for the one.  It is full of thoughts, ideas, and opinions that might be interesting to read from a reflective standpoint.

My LinkedIn Profile ⇒  this is the link but I am not sure if you can actually see my profile unless you join for free...  I have published numerous articles on this forum that might be interesting to read.

My Facebook Profile ⇒   this is the link but just like LinkedIn, I believe you have to join for free.  My original Facebook profile was hacked and now belongs to someone else, so I started a new one under a different identity.

Other blogs that have active link on the top of the first page of this blog...
My Cancer Odyssey
A  Bipolar Scorpion

Saturday, April 4

Saturday Morning In East TN

Retired at 67, now 72, so...  been retired 5 years...

Worked for 45 years full time
Fired 10 times by employers
Still managed to survive

  1. Outspoken
  2. Believe in change
  3. Desire continuous improvement
  4. Workers make the businesses
  5. Against Management

NOTEThe above 5 points are the hallmark of FAILURE...  don't follow my example...  learn to kiss ass and like it...   don't rock the boat...  and, certainly do not tell management that you believe that they are WRONG...

I have no regrets
I would do nothing different if given a second chance
But, my attitude is wrong...
Sounds like a contradiction...  perhaps...  but the point is that you should not be like me!!!

Read and Learn

Wednesday, April 1

Social Distancing

Since my health situations put me into a high risk category, I am staying at home and only leave the house if I have a doctor's appointment or treatment that is critical.  This month, I have to leave the house 4 times:  a cancer treatment, a bulging disk in my back, a PET scan to determine if my cancers have grown or decreased, and a meeting with a Urologist to determine if I should pursue further testing for prostate cancer...

Those 4 trips to Knoxville will cause me to stop at Weigel's Gas Station/Market for gas, but I will not go inside or get close to others who are pumping gas.                

So, for the rest of those 26 days, I will be staying inside the house or working outside if the weather is nice.  When I am not working outside, I will be inside posting articles to this blog and three other blogs that I maintain daily (see blog list on right) along with LinkedIn, Facebook, and Tumblr forums on which I post comments.

I like to write and will continue to write regardless of how many people that read and/or actually care about what I have to say.

What I am doing is better than sitting on a telephone pole/line like a bird...  lol

Tuesday, March 31

The Last Day of the Month

March is done...  almost history...

Time to look forward to April, May, and June...

Mowing lawns
Killing stink bugs
Bee stings
Bug bites

It is widely believed by experts that COVID-19 will peak in two weeks...  that means that by the middle of April we should be on the downside of this disease...

Thanks CHINA

Personally,  I think the WORLD should make China pay big for this pandemic.  This COMMUNIST country LIED to the world about their problem and exactly what they were doing.

Stupid, stupid, stupid CHINA...                          

Monday, March 30

Write When Wandering

, tumblrI have pretty much been wandering all my life and I guess I will keep wandering until I no longer live...   This blog is not the only blog I maintain...

On this blog, I have links to other blogs I maintain:

Reflections:  White Scorpion
this is where I post all the poems that I have been writing since 1972 and when I stopped concentrating on writing poetry in 2012/2015, I had written over 42,000 of those suckers...

My Cancer Journey
I have been treated for cancer since 2007/2008 and it is only recently that I decided to write about my experiences with cancer over the last decade or so in the hopes that others might benefit from reading about what I endured and continue to endure...

My Bipolar Life
well...  this is mine as well...  sometimes, I think weird thoughts, depressing thoughts, or angry thoughts and so I use this forum to share those with people...  these thoughts happen daily, so I have been posting lately.  I don't if reading my thoughts will help anyone but me but I still need to get them out of my head...

I have had an account on LinkedIn since 2001 and created a profile there because it was one of the best and still is one the best business networking forums around.  I used to post my thoughts there daily and still do sometimes but mostly it is every other day or so...  You have to have a profile to see mine.

I used to have a profile in my name there for over 5 years but it was recently hacked and my password was changed and I was locked out.  I sent Facebook emails about what had happened but they never responded, so I just created a new profile used a False Name and a very strong password.  In less than a month, I have over 2100 friends...  my name is Alan Catale if you are interested...  You have to have a profile to see mine.

This blog is not maintained daily and is XXX rated for the most part...  This is where I release my inner devil...   it is listed under Catale2000  Reflections and...  You have to join for free to see this blog...

Anyway, I try to maintain all of these on a daily basis which is not that hard considering that I am retired and don't have anything else to do with my time...