Showing posts with label Justifications. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justifications. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 2

The Justification of Truth

 What is TRUTH?

"that which is true..."  but there is more, " accordance with fact or reality."

however:  facts can be manipulated to prove one reality over another...  all we have to do is look inside our courts of law to see how truth really plays out.

And, that is not just me being a tad sarcastic, but an undisputable truth...  as far as truth is concerned.

We are finding out quite ABRUPTLY, I might add as a result of the Black Lives Matter Movement, that the truth recorded in our history books...  those books that are used to teach students in our elementary schools and high school is NOT TELLING THE TRUTH AT ALL ABOUT SLAVERY...  and, this leaves one's mind wondering what other truths are actually LIES...  even though we never tell LIES we just inaccurately report the truth.

If facts about SLAVERY were not true, the what about those facts revolving around:
  • the civil war
  • the killing of Lincoln
  • the wild wild west
  • Native Americans
  • WWI and WWII
It does leaves one wondering how our AMERICAN LEADERS JUSTIFY THEIR TRUTHS...  especially politics, since the nature of politics was born out of the gutters of our city streets.

Should we now question the TRUTH about our:
  1. History
  2. Politics
  3. Voting
  4. Business
  5. Wars
  6. Religions
  7. Education
  8. Healthcare
  9. Pharmaceuticals
  10. UFO's and Aliens
I know FOR A FACT (Reality) that my parents LIED to me when I was a child...  so, I lied when I became an adult as my parents were my teachers and were the most influential in and on my life...  but, that does not justify what they or I did...  now does it?

A lie is still a lie...

HOWEVER, some of believe that we are not lying, if we simply WITHHOLD THE TRUTH...

AND...  you would not believe the various justifications on this one...