Showing posts with label retired. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retired. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 11

Life Goes On

Life in America now is different than life in America was...  at least for the old timers...  who were around in the 1960's with the Vietnam War, Demonstrations on college campuses, Race Riots, and Woodstock...  although, there is more to it than just that...  it also includes an increase in the quality of life that revolves around:

  • higher wages
  • better healthcare
  • quality education
  • housing
  • clothes
  • technology
  • transportation
  • communications
AND...  just when life starts to get interesting, my mentality is to retire and extricate myself from the rigors or employment which is mainly because of asshole bosses who are more incompetent than government workers.

Retirement is good...   and, it is good not because I can sleep in or not shave or wear what I want to, but because I have enough money to do whatever it is that I want to do even with my limited resources...  in other words, I can go out to dinner and order the $13 Salmon rather than the $25 Filet Mignon...   or, I can go to a resort area on the East Coast and get an efficiency condo for $1,200/week rather than an efficiency condo for $2,500/week.

During the winter months, I pretty much stay inside but when the weather is warm, I am on the back porch or I am working in the yard; however, regardless of the weather and my physical location, I spend an enormous amount of time writing.  My writing consists of articles that I publish on my 3 blogs, most of which I write myself, others borrowed but given credit, publishing poems on my 4th blog, and writing a few pages each day on a novel.

To date, I have written two and a half novels, and am working on my 4th without finishing my 3rd.  Why did I do this?  No sure...  other than I got tired of writing or questioned my ability to write and when I returned, decided to start something new.

Will I contact publishers?

Not sure...

Am I writing just to be writing or am I writing to be published?

Again, not sure...

But, writing keeps me busy and occupied and in retirement I suppose that is a good thing.

However, some people like to continue working and continue building up their wealth.  I have no desire to build wealth as long as I have enough money to meet my needs and the needs of my wife after I die.

Am I being un American?

Perhaps...  but, I have never like the concept of GREED or the concept of climbing to the top of the ladder just so I could say that I got there...

Saturday, May 8

A Retired Influence

Mornings begin slowly...  here in the valley...  what with coffee and cats and pills and cable...  food around noon - not always breakfast but more along the lines of what I am hungry for.

Blogs come next as I decide what it is that I want to accomplish with each one and how far ahead in the schedule do I want to be...  so that I don't have to post something just so I can continue to say that I post daily; although, I am reconsidering that mindset what with my daily visitor numbers.

My Reflections blog for my poetry publishing has been around since 2009, over 12 years, so it has over 14,000 pageviews or about 1,000/year or  83/month or about 3/day.

And while my other 3 blogs have been around since 2019/2020 they are averaging about the same daily pageviews as Reflections so I have a small group of readers that enjoy reading what I want to write and/or share...  because I do share articles written by other people who are writing articles that appeal to me and don't want to take the time to research and write my own opinions; however, many of those ideas I have already research before I started posting articles on blogs.

Right now, posting articles on these 4 blogs keeps me busy during my retirement...  and if I did not have these blogs to maintain, I am not sure what I would be doing...  because I really don't have any other hobbies or interests...

I am writing novels as well but I am not sure if I am going to do anything with these novels like try to find a publisher.  That effort could be emotionally stressful and I am not confident that this is what I want to engage in at my age.

I am simply comfortable with who I am right now and no longer have to worry about being something else or trying to be something else as if I am not happy with who I am...  and, I am happy with who I am.

Saturday, April 17

An East TN Saturday

On the weekends, I awake and begin my day about the same time that I awake and begin my day during the week...  there is no differentiation between the work week and the weekend for me as there used to be when I was working.  I suppose that is the real benefit of being retired although and this is just supposition but I believe the wealthy people pretty much have the same schedule during those 7 days as well...  even it they are still working and earning millions.

As always my day(s) begin with feeding our three cats, taking my thyroid pill, filling up my YETI cup with coffee and Cappuccino Mix, and watching FOX NEWS....  and as I have explained before, I do no get ALL THE NEWS or the TRUTH OF THE NEWS if I were to watch:  CNN, CBS, ABC, or NBC and that bothers me because I used to watch CBS and CNN all the time...  but those days are over.

As with all news shows, the same news is broadcasted over and over again throughout the day and the only additions to that news is when something unexpected happens...  so, after a while this redundancy causes me to change channels.  I then turn to shows about animals, cooking, history, scifi, or living in Alaska and/or living off the grid.  Somewhat entertaining these shows are but I oftentimes wonder about the drama that they try to create especially when the CAMERA CREW IS ALSO PRESENT TO FILM THIS SO CALLED DRAMA...

After a couple of hours of watching, I get bored and begin posting articles to my blog which I will do for the rest of the day unless I decide to cook something like I plan to do today and I am not sure what you would call this other than Turkey Burgers, Peas, and Noodles.  I will make a fairly large pot of this concoction and divide it up into 3-4-5 bowls depending upon how far it will go...  ranging from 300 calories/bowl to over 500 calories/bowl.

My meals will go in the frig and I will eat them for the next several days until I have to cook again.  I would rather cook like that than cook daily.

Tuesday, March 23

Retired in East TN

I am 73 years of age and except for battling two different kinds of cancer at the same time and having heart disease and hypothyroidism and I in excellent health...  In fact, I was in perfect health and had never gotten sick, not even a cold or the flu until I was 60 years of age.  I am a little over weight but am gradually losing weight by eating less...  not by exercising...  I am also counting my daily intake of calories, making sure that my smaller portions are actually healthy.  I don't drink alcohol, don't smoke cigarettes, don't smoke marijuana, don't eat red meat, fried foods, sugars, or dine at any fast food restaurants.

However, I enjoy eating and do frequent restaurants about once or twice a week, making sure that I bring home half my food to eat the next day.  

I eat a lot of vegetables, beans, rice, onions, mushrooms, , garlic, bell peppers (especially green ones), fish (Salmon, Cod, Tuna), and light meat like chicken and turkey.  I also eat non-fat yogurt, oatmeal and eggs.

Because of my two cancers, I stay out of the sunlight whenever possible but when I do find myself out in the sunlight I wear UV clothing that blocks out the harmful rays of the sun, and put on the highest strength sun lotion I can find.  My wife and I spend all of our 6 vacations either at Myrtle Beach, SC or in Florida along the Gulf Coast.

At 73, I still work out in the yard several times a week, especially when the weather is nice...  for instance, today I spent about 2 hours digging up bushes that we wanted to throw away, so we could turn a flower bed into a grassy area so that we would not have to spend so much time weeding.  Yesterday, after moving the lawn (takes about an hour), I spent another hour weed eating our acre lot.

UNCROWDED...  This is why I prefer to live down south and in the East TN area...  yes, we live in a community and yes we have neighbors but our neighbors are not so close that we can reach out our  windows and touch the house next to us.

East TN is not an URBAN area...  it is country...  lots of land and trees everywhere you look.  And, TVA back in the 1930's built all sorts of lakes in this area to keep people working during the Depression.

I hear birds singing instead of police sirens...

I sleep until 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning.  Get dressed whenever I want or simply wear sweats all day long.  I surf on the computer and write articles for my blogs...  and go for a walk around the community, anytime I want.  I eat when I want and leave the house when I want.  And, when I have a doctor's appointment, I leave 15 minutes early so I don't have to break the speed limit in order to get there on time.

I worked for 45 years and now I don't work at all other than teach a college night class now and again.  My income is sufficient to keep the same lifestyle I had when I was working...   am I lucky?  No, not really...  I just planned for my retirement, and executed than plan.

I can live like this for a long time.

Wednesday, March 10

Stimulus Checks

My wife and I have not worked since the COVID Pandemic Lockdown that started in the first quarter of  2020 and extended into the first quarter of 2021 with the likelihood that the lockdown will continue in some fashion in some States well until the 4th quarter...  However, the lockdown and the fact that we have not worked does not bother either one of us because WE ARE RETIRED and receiving Social Security Benefits whether we work or not, along with income from a Trust Fund set up years ago.  Our financial security is guaranteed until the day we both die however long that is from today...  but, we both know that it is bound to happen.

This new COVID RELIEF package soon to be passed by the HOUSE, will not help us at all in that we do not need the money and plan to save the money for a later use since we have NO DEBT to pay off.  Actually, my wife and I have been debt free for over 15 years and have only been retired for 5 years.  The fact that we cannot really go anywhere does not bother us either because we have plenty of activities outside our house to keep us entertained.  We do go to doctor's appointment, the grocery store, and have gone out to eat about a dozen times since the lockdown as restaurants in TN are for the most part OPEN even though social distancing is still maintained inside.

What we were HOPING FOR more so than Stimulus Checks was a substantial increase in Social Security and now that the Democrats are in power and like to spend money, perhaps that will happen sooner or later.  The other concept that we were HOPING FOR was to have MEDICARE cover more services than it currently is covering.  Our supplemental health insurance covers what Medicare does not, still there are more out-of-pocket expenses than we anticipated...  and it would be nice if the Democrats did something about that.

Minimum Wage does not do a thing for us, especially since we are not working and especially since we have worked all our career in a State that pays low wages anyway which has resulted in us being very careful how we spend our money.

However, increasing prices would bother us...  and, it would appear that the Biden Administration is putting scenarios into play that will increase prices rather than maintain stable prices as we have seen for the last several years.  Increasing prices contradicts the minimum wage increase and will actually put those workers in a financially worse situation than before even though they are earning more money.

Gasoline Prices have been increasing in our area and there are increases in prices at the grocery stores as well as at restaurants because they have to spend more money on cleaning tables.  Although, it will not slow down the people in this State who like to go out and eat.

Saturday, February 20

Saturday: Before Noon

SATURDAY Morning👉 the sun is shinning in the Tennessee Valley of East Tennessee... and, I am once again able to experience another day above ground...  at 73 years of age, another day above ground is a good day.  My morning begin with me giving our 3 cats their morning treats and then I take the little white pill prescribed by my Oncologist for my thyroid...  my thyroid got messed up because of my on-going chemo treatments which is beginning its 14th year.

Once the cats have been given their treat and their bowls filled up with food, I make myself a cup of coffee with a coffee pod and sit in my recliner to watch FOX NEWS...  It is typically around 8:00/8:30 am...  Prior to 2015, I was keyed into watching CNN or CBS News in the morning, but after going to the local gym where FOX NEWS was being televised, I quickly realized that CNN and/or CBS was NOT REPORTING all the news.

After watching FOX NEWS at home and switching back and forth between CNN, CBS, and Fox, I came to the realization that the conservative points-of-view were not just being overlooked but they were being distorted in favor of the liberal points-of-view.

I was a DIEHARD liberal until I went to Graduate School and earned an MBA...  then, I became a conservative liberal with a focus on eliminating debt and balancing the budget.

Unfortunately and beginning with the Trump Administration, mainstream media simply did not publish news that they DETERMINED they did not want to general public to know...  and, that mentality bothered me more than the bullshit that Trump was doing.

Being retired...  one day is no more different than any other day...  unless, there is a doctor's appointment scheduled and then I have to shower/shave and leave the house.  If there is no appointment, then my days are typically spent inside the house unless I take a notion to get in the hot tub outside.

BUT...  this is Saturday and I know that I am going nowhere today...  so, I will drink coffee for 2-3 hours before deciding that there is something else I need/want to do.  However, I will turn the channel once CAVUTO comes on...  as I just don't like to listen to him nor do I like his personality in general.

Typically, I start watching the HISTORY channel or the FOOD channel for the rest of the morning as I continue drink a few more cups of coffee.  It bothers me that I have to also watch STUPID COMMERCIALS that target Americans with an 8th grade mentality...  but, this is how America sells its products...  and, I guess is a NECESSARY EVIL.

Once my morning comes to a close, I eat a modest lunch and then begin preparing my blogs by first preparing a list of potential topics that I want to research...  I also take a looksee at previous lists that I prepared as well.  Daily Journals that I have been keeping for over ten years is where I write these lists and keep my notes for other topics that have been previously researched.  These journals are stored in a filing cabinet in the garage.

What's interesting about this Saturday is that the sun is out and this weekends represents the being of a 30 warming trend according to the weather channel forecasts.  Cold weather in the Valley is all but OVER...

Wednesday, January 27

Mornings In East TN

Being retired, I can awake in the mornings anytime I want if I do not have an early morning doctor's appointment which I usually make if I am going to the University Medical Center for the sole purpose of getting a parking place in the lot where the building is located as opposed to parking in the garage and having to walk over in the heat or the cold.

if my wife gets up before me...  then our Siamese Cat believes that I should be up as well and literally HOWLS at the door until my wife lets him in.  Once he is in the bedroom, he is up on the bed and in my face touching me with his paw until I open my eyes.

I cannot just lay there because he continues to get in my face until I am actually out of the bed and getting dressed...  once dressed and out of the bedroom, our Siamese cat returns to his heating pad on the bed in the spare bedroom and goes back to sleep.

I make 3 cups of coffee with 2 spoons of Cappuccino Mix in each cup that I then pour into a metal YETI cup that I take with me to a recliner in the living room where I watch FOX NEWS...  I have discovered that FOX NEWS is more likely to present BOTH SIDES rather than present ONE SIDE of the story like the other stations do...   CNN, CBS, ABC, & MSNBC.

It bothers me about the LIBERAL ATTITUDE that is going on inside our political system and I fear that our country will forever change...  this fear is compounded by the fact that the rest of the countries in the world like:  China, Russia, North Korea, and the Middle East will become economically stronger and grow their militaries as well including NUCLEAR capabilities that will cause the USA to loose its TOP position in the world...   once that happens, we will gradually decline...

That decline will actually not directly bother my wife and I economically because of Social Security and the money we have saved; however, if the dollar is ever devalued, then it will take more and more of our savings to live....  even then, we are still covered...

After watching the news for about 90 minutes, I decide to have breakfast and fill my YETI cup up again with more coffee.  Breakfast varies but whatever it is, I try to keep it between 300-400 calories.  The same holds true for Lunch and Dinner and Snacks that I might eat that day.  If I can manage those calories, then my total intake is 1,600 calories each day which is PERFECT for my age and health and weight...  as long as I properly address the RDA of all areas:  Proteins, Dairy, Grain, Veges, and Fruits.

For the rest of the morning, I will write articles and post them to my blogs which includes typing up previously written poetry and posting it to a specific blog.  I have written over 42,000 poems and I want to post them on my poetry blog for anyone who wants to read them.  If not, then that's ok as well.

Then lunch and perhaps watch a couple hours of shows that I download from NETFLIX or HULU...  it could be a movie or it could be a series.  I prefer series but not all of them are well put together in the sense of acting and storylines...  and, I will not just watch something for the sake of watching.    IF there is nothing to do, I might take an afternoon nap for a couple of hours.

Since we are in the winter months, I am typically inside...  but, if we were in the summer months then I would do something outside as long as the humidity is low, otherwise I am inside.

Dinner or Supper might take place sometime between 4:00-6:00 pm depending upon whether I am hunger or bored and need something to do.  After dinner, I might work on my blogs or work on a class that I had been asked to teach...  There is typically no TELEVISION at night unless there is a special movie I want to watch...

I am in bed around 9:00 pm.

Saturday, December 5



SAME OLE SHIT...   just another day...  another dollar...  with 25 cents going to our uncle...   to help pay for all the programs given to people who either do not want to work or claim consistent persecution like the JEWS claim against the ARABS...   and, of which the ARABS don't deny...  nor do they deny their HATRED of Americans regardless of their color, looking only at their passports.

I recall that when I was an enlisted man in the NAVY that SOS meant SHIT ON A SHINGLE...  or, creamed chopped beef on toast...  ain't it funny how names and events and meals get slang interpretations by those who ain't necessarily educated or intellectual.

SO...  whether you are working or living off the tax payer like my wife and I living on Social Security, each day is SOS for the most part unless you are wealthy... and then SOS to you means increasing one's income...  and, I remember someone said that Howard Hughes, on his death bed said, "I'd like to earn just one more dollar."

Every 4 to 8 years, POTUS's come and go...  none of them really ever achieving anything, even when the Congress is of the same Party...  and SOS to them means RE-ELECTIONS.

How STUPID do we have to be, to understand that those with WEALTH AND POWER don't give a FLYING FLIP about us or our silly ass points-of-view since individually we can do absolutely nothing to stop them which is really depressing when one thinks about this from an SOS point-of-view...


Wednesday, November 18

A Sense of Purpose

THIS MORNING...   in less than 20 minutes, I wrote down 5 poems, each of 10 lines or more, sometimes 20 and this was done spontaneously and without the blinking of an eye or hesitation so that I might find the right word...  and for me, it does not matter if the damn poems are good or not or even worth reading because these words came out of my head not yours or any other...

LAST NIGHT...  when it was dark, I ventured downstairs to the hot tub and I lay submerged in those relaxing hot waters, I looked skyward upon the sky filled with stars of all shapes and sizes whose light I was seeing was at least 8 minutes old...   and I wondered while relaxing if I would ever connect with its cosmic consciousness... and thought...

my heart beats stereophonic rhythms in my ears
when my head lays back upon the porcelain,
my body remains submerged and languishing
in the one hundred and three degree temperatures...

It was almost immediately that these 4 lines appeared in my head while staring up at the sky and wondering if I was ever going to make contact with some ancient alien...   and then, a flash of insight ran its course through my body and when it appeared at the top of me, an idea quickly formulated and simply but without a doubt knew what had to be done.

Currently, I maintain 4 blogs:
  • one for poetry new and old
  • one for my daily journal entries so to speak
  • one for my ongoing cancer issues
  • one for my paranoid schizophrenia (I only wish but I am still just bipolar)
My writings now contain the following as well:
  • 42,000 poems previously written
  • poetry occasionally written in notebooks
  • previously written opinion articles published on LinkedIn
  • two and one half novel written (300 pages each) out of 12 outlined
MY INSIGHT...  I will continue writing daily just as I have always done, but now my life's purpose is to type up and publish all of my writing on one of these 4 blogs until I have nothing left to publish other than what I am currently writing.

RETIRED...  I have been retired now, going on my 7th year, without any hobbies of which to speak or desire to play tennis or golf or sit upon the couch eating popcorn watching foolish professional compete for millions of dollars worth of salary, only to destroy their God given bodies.  For a good five years I have floundered, not really knowing what to do...  and, it was right in front of me all the time...  and, I would be dead today if it has been a poisonous snake.

Thursday, July 2

Glad I am Done With Working

When I think back on all the crap I put up while working on my career, it's hard to believe I actually survived 45 years in those working environments.  My first employer was a family operation and enjoyed taking money from a gullible pubic and pushing employees to their limits so that they could get wealthier.  My second employer was a Board of Director who during the day were nobodies where they worked and were routinely bossed around like the idiots they were, only to find a little bit of power on the Board controlling for the sake of controlling to achieve no purposes at all.

My third and fourth employers were Community Colleges that played a numbers game with FTE (full time equivalents) because that is how they generated revenues from the State Legislature and it did not matter if it was real or not as long as it was on paper.  The Presidents only wanted subordinates that did not challenge their authority and if that happened they had to go.

My fifth employer was a group of men who bought a division away from the parent for the sole purpose of building up its credentials so it could be sold for a substantial profit and none of those owners cared about the 6,000 employees that they were going to put on the unemployment line as long as they were able to turn a profit...  but, this employer was Shirley Temple compared to my sixth employer who simply lied to people and convinced them to spend $70,000 on education that was for all intents and purposes worthless.  The teachers this sixth employer hired were backed into a corner and told that if they did not pass students along whether they earned it or not that they would be fired.

My seventh and eight employers were colleges as well and while both of these institutions did try to maintain good student outcomes at a reasonable price, making sure that students really did earn their grade, the supervisors that worked at these schools were not ethical or loyal to their subordinates and if you did not agree with them, then they found some way to terminate your contract.

Long before my first employer, I spent two years in the military that is famous for it chain of command and following the rules and giving extra military instruction to those who tried to be independent.  And, there was a construction company, I worked at during the summers while I was a college student who built highways and simply expected everyone to work their asses off because that was the owner's mentality.  No special pay or higher rates of pay just a hard day's work expected, but as a college student I knew no better.

All-in-all, my work was rewarding and reassuring and what made it unbearable were the people with whom I worked or the people for whom I worked and the more Christian they claimed to be, the more horrible their leadership and guidance...  and, it was so remarkably bad that when I reached my full retirement age of 67, I could have worked longer, perhaps to 70 but I was so FED UP WITH MANAGEMENT that like my father could not wait to leave.

I lived modestly while working and I continue to live modestly being retired.  If I had more money I am not sure if I would live modestly or not, but I live this way because this is all that I can afford...  and, for the last 20 years have gradually toned down my expectations and needs in an effort to accept this way of life.  Consequently, I have gotten used to living modestly.

Part of my ability to live modestly is that I have NO DEBT.  My monthly expenses are right at $4,000 each month which allows my wife and I to take 4-5 vacations each year if we want to...  this year there has only been one, even though we had three planned...  BUT COVID-19 changed our plans.  My wife and I eat dinner out once or twice a week, sometimes breakfast or brunch on the weekends and have plenty of things to do around the house.

Ten years ago, I did some consulting on the side and we used that money to refurbish our house and make it handicap accessible, including putting in a pool, large deck, gazebo, and hot tub to be our vacation if we cannot afford to leave the house which has not yet been the case...  but, at 72 and 67 that time is right around the corner.

Monday, May 18

Economic Forecasting

According to a report from FOX NEWS this morning, our economy will not completely rebound from the COVID-19 Pandemic until the END OF 2021... that's almost 20 months from now...  much can happen during the next 20 months...  and, if it takes these next 20 months, many of our financial investments will become substantially damaged even when and after the economy does, in fact, rebound.

During my working career, I never much gave a rat's ass to whether investment increased or decreased as I was just concerned about my own salary and how much money I was able to save...  and, while that may seem very narrow minded on my behalf, the money I saved never made it into the stock market...   I based all my goals on non-interest bearing accounts which always meant that they would always do a little bit better than my predictions.

Now that I am taking money out of my accounts, I still do not plan for interest earned, but on a simple reduction of the funds and how long those funds will last.  Interest will only delay the inevitable...  that is to say, the depletion of the account.

Right now, those monies will pay our bills until both of us have reached the age of 97 regardless of the interest earned...  so, economic forecasting is of minimal concern to us and our livelihood.

Wednesday, April 1

Social Distancing

Since my health situations put me into a high risk category, I am staying at home and only leave the house if I have a doctor's appointment or treatment that is critical.  This month, I have to leave the house 4 times:  a cancer treatment, a bulging disk in my back, a PET scan to determine if my cancers have grown or decreased, and a meeting with a Urologist to determine if I should pursue further testing for prostate cancer...

Those 4 trips to Knoxville will cause me to stop at Weigel's Gas Station/Market for gas, but I will not go inside or get close to others who are pumping gas.                

So, for the rest of those 26 days, I will be staying inside the house or working outside if the weather is nice.  When I am not working outside, I will be inside posting articles to this blog and three other blogs that I maintain daily (see blog list on right) along with LinkedIn, Facebook, and Tumblr forums on which I post comments.

I like to write and will continue to write regardless of how many people that read and/or actually care about what I have to say.

What I am doing is better than sitting on a telephone pole/line like a bird...  lol