Showing posts with label Homemade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homemade. Show all posts

Friday, December 4

I Must Be Crazy -- part II

Oddly enough and over 7 hours later...  it is still raining outside and I am assuming in the Valley as well...  and, while the temperatures have warmed up a tad (an East TN word that could mean one inch or a mile)...  I am still writing but inside reclining in a chair...  and, making it somewhat difficult for me to type is my Siamese cat laying in my lap...  of course, he appears to be sleeping which is a matter for conjecture because as soon as you think this damn cat is sleeping, he has used his claws to push himself off my legs as he goes after another of our male felines...  of which we have three...  and, I am not sure how we ended up odd because I'd prefer even...

For most of the day, I have been typing on the computer except for a couple of hours that was devoted to making home made soup because we had finished just yesterday all our Thanksgiving leftovers...  lasting 7 days is not bad at all...  I would think since that one big supper was a tad more expensive than all out other meals...  getting a good ROI on prepared food is what my Dad taught me...  as every time I left food on my place, he would remind me that there are starving children in CHINA...  I am not sure why China was on his mind because I knew for sure he did not give a damn about China or the fact that their children were starving...  hell, he never spoke about the starving children in America...  and, he had to know that they were not eating 3 squares a day...

In my soup, I put:
2 chopped medium size onions
1 heaping tablespoon of garlic from a jar and maybe a little more
3 stalks of celery
2 orange bell peppers
2-3 ounces of frozen sweet potato fries
1 can of white beans
1 can of kidney beans
1 large bag of frozen Kale
a shit load of pepper, and a little oregano, turmeric, paprika, and salt
NOTE:  all totaled, I had about 1600 calories but after cooking was poured into 5 plastic containers which calculates out to 320 calories per container.  These plastic containers previously held sliced ham in a sealed package and are more economical to use than buying new ones.

So...  now I have at least one prepared meal each day that only needs 2-3 minutes in the microwave...  and NO...  I do not get tired of eating the same meal 5 days in a row...  as long as it saves money...  and, the fact that I have gotten used to doing this since I started the practice in College in 1966...  does not hurt either.

In College, I would cook a cup of rice along with a can of vegetable soup in a popcorn popper and have a meal for 2-3 days, especially in the winter, because I could put the containers I used on the window sill between the screen and the glass, to keep the contents from spoiling.  In the 1960's, springs and falls were never as warm as they are today, so it was fairly easy to keep food from spoiling.