Showing posts with label Sundays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sundays. Show all posts

Sunday, October 18

Sundays in the Valley

Being retired, it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between days of the week and days of the weekend but since so much of my life revolves around doctor's appointments, treatment appointments, other appointments, and THINGS TO DO...  I find it absolutely imperative that I keep an open calendar with me pretty much all the time nowadays...

So, today is Sunday and for me it is a day without exercising as I need to give my body and it old muscles and tendons a chance to rest a little...  because, the exercising starts again tomorrow and goes through the entire week including Saturday which is down downstairs on our own stationary bike and treadmill.

But Sundays are also SPIRITUAL DAYS for me as I reflect upon all the spiritual gifts that I have been given, including my diseases as well as my ability to think and formulate opinions many of which are based upon my interpretations of what I perceive to be true or at least reasonably true in my limited way of thinking.

For instance, I am a BORN AGAIN LIBERAL actually I was never unborn from that philosophy and oftentimes my family and friends have referred to me as an irritating REBEL...  in the sense that I really do not like to obey the rules, especially when the rules do not apply to all situations as we try to force them to apply.

However, I am also a conservative in that I believe in being debt free and having no debt at all in addition to believing that it is business not the worker that create growth opportunities for the economy.  Workers, as I have come to realize throughout my 45 year career are an EXPENDABLE COMMODITY like electricity, heating and air, and paper for the Xerox machine...  even though labor perceives itself as being a tad more critical than that.

Even management and all its levels are expendable when it comes to generating a profit, earnings, and a dividend for shareholders or stockholders who have infused the business enterprise with capital.   

BUT MORE IMPORTANT is our Government.

Our Government should be SMALL and it should NOT TELL US what to do with our lives or with our bodies, especially females.  If females want to have an abortion and for whatever reason(s) they should be allowed to have that abortion...  BUT THE GOVENMENT SHOULD NOT PAY FOR IT...  that is a cost that should be the responsibility of the female, even if she was raped...  unless she can force the rapist to pay for it...  and then, our government should get involved to provide a free legal defense for the female.

My breakfasts are usually taken leisurely since I have been retired but on Sundays, sometimes Saturdays, I like to reward myself with an Omelet, breakfast potatoes, and pancakes from our local PERKINS restaurant who does an EXCELLENT job in preparing these three items.  I usually wash it all down with a POT OF COFFEE.

However today was not a Perkins day and I prepared myself a small cup of grits with vege sausage, and a 1/4 cup of shredded mixed cheese and an English Muffin and washed it all down with a pod or two or three of McCafe Coffee with two spoons of Sugar Free Cappuccino Mix...  and only two spoons as when there is more added, the balance of taste is off a tad.

I eat this quickly prepared breakfast was watch the AQUARIUM SCREEN SAVER that is provided by my ROKU box free of charge...  actually, most everything is free of charge once you purchase the box and works incredibly well if you have an internet provider.  In our case, it is Charter which is now Spectrum and is the one responsible for those stupid commercials which are easily remembered which is kinda the point I suppose.

I will remain in this vegetative state for most of the day, writing and posting thoughts on my blogs, until I realize that the sun has disappeared and it is now time for me to relax in the hot tub...

Sunday, April 19

Spending Sundays @ Home

Typically on Sundays, my wife and I would go out to brunch after Church Services, then
spend the rest of the day watching movies on NETFLIX or CABLE or sit outside on our deck under the Gazebo (reading and surfing on the internet) or in our pool floating around or exercising against the water.

BUT, those days are basically over (at least temporarily) as a result of the Federal/State stay-at-home orders keeping us away from Church Services and going out to brunch.

So, now what we do after feeding the cats is watch FOX NEWS to get the latest on COVID-19 until Governor Cuomo does his NY State Update...  that is to say politely that we SWITCH CHANNELS and watch something else that usually deals with Cooking or HGTV and recently the ZOO which deals with behind-the-scenes at the BRONX ZOO.

For example, this morning when Governor Cuomo started to do his thing, we switched channels to the FOOD NETWORK's  The Kitchen, and learned about making broccoli fries by using the stems (that are usually thrown away) of the broccoli.  I thought this was so amazing that I found a video about making broccoli fries and posted it on my blog A Bipolar Scorpion on the MY COOKING page.

Since it is important to keep the wife happy when being sequestered at home, we for the most part always watch HGTV's Property Brothers which is actually being watched as I write this article...