Showing posts with label covid19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label covid19. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 8

Nighttime in the Valley

The weather man or woman or person told us today that there was going to be rain in our area and SIRI confirmed but it never rained although the humidity remain even after the sun went down and it got dark.

The Valley is peaceful...

The Valley is at ease...

The Valley is silent...

Everyone is at home following the self-quarantine order...

I am in my home office, sharing it with the cats and their bowls of food and if my Siamese knew I was in here, he would be howling for attention...  he would also be clawing me trying to get my attention.

Piper, his name, was not socially conditioned when he was young and does not trust humans as much as other cats; but, for some reason he has bonded with me rather than my wife.

The underside of all four of his paws is completely black with no splotches which we were told is an indication that he is a purebred Siamese cat....  he has a long body and long legs and literally HOWLS whenever he enters the room or in the mornings when he has decided that I have had enough sleep.

Piper is more affectionate than I would have expected but he still does not want to get that close to me after 7 years other than curl up on my lap.  Recently, he has been showing me a lot more recognition and attention.

Tuesday, April 7

Computer Modeling

Computer modelling consists of writing a computer program version of a mathematical model for a physical or biological system. Computer simulations that are run according to such programs can produce knowledge out of reach of mathematical analysis or natural experimentation.

For example, computer modeling is used in:
  • tracking hurricanes
  • population growth
  • stock growth
  • economic forecasting
Currently, computer modeling is being used to make predictions about COVID-19 progress which is not just impacting the USA but every single country in the world...  thanks to CHINA...

Wednesday, April 1

Social Distancing

Since my health situations put me into a high risk category, I am staying at home and only leave the house if I have a doctor's appointment or treatment that is critical.  This month, I have to leave the house 4 times:  a cancer treatment, a bulging disk in my back, a PET scan to determine if my cancers have grown or decreased, and a meeting with a Urologist to determine if I should pursue further testing for prostate cancer...

Those 4 trips to Knoxville will cause me to stop at Weigel's Gas Station/Market for gas, but I will not go inside or get close to others who are pumping gas.                

So, for the rest of those 26 days, I will be staying inside the house or working outside if the weather is nice.  When I am not working outside, I will be inside posting articles to this blog and three other blogs that I maintain daily (see blog list on right) along with LinkedIn, Facebook, and Tumblr forums on which I post comments.

I like to write and will continue to write regardless of how many people that read and/or actually care about what I have to say.

What I am doing is better than sitting on a telephone pole/line like a bird...  lol


Well...  it would appear that all news outlets like:  FOX, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC are reporting nothing but COVID-19 stuff...  and personally, I think that is wonderful to keep us informed on what is going on but NOT ALL DAY LONG...  there is other shit going on in the world beside COVID-19 and what we are doing...

BUT, if we are going to talk about the disease then we should talk about what we are going to do to CHINA for getting the world into this mess...

They are the culprits here...

And, they should be punished...

The WORLD should retaliate...  not just the USA...

It really PISSES ME OFF that countries like CHINA do not have the same health guidelines that we have here in the USA...

Isn't it time for the rest of the world to take care of their citizens...   We are all human beings...

Tuesday, March 31

The Last Day of the Month

March is done...  almost history...

Time to look forward to April, May, and June...

Mowing lawns
Killing stink bugs
Bee stings
Bug bites

It is widely believed by experts that COVID-19 will peak in two weeks...  that means that by the middle of April we should be on the downside of this disease...

Thanks CHINA

Personally,  I think the WORLD should make China pay big for this pandemic.  This COMMUNIST country LIED to the world about their problem and exactly what they were doing.

Stupid, stupid, stupid CHINA...                          

Monday, March 30

Closing Colleges

I saw this cartoon and could not resist posting it...  MOST, if not ALL Colleges/Universities are LIBERAL, except for the Business Departments which teach business practices based upon a conservative approach even though they are using Case Studies to teach the lessons.

I was, because of my College Indoctrination, full of liberal ideas and idealism until I went to graduate school for an MBA...  then, and only then, did I realize the value of Capitalism and being a fiscally responsible conservative...

While we do have a lot of socialistic shit going on in this country (anything PUBLIC is socialism), moving any farther in that direction is being fiscally irresponsible.

MY OPINION - like ASSHOLES, everybody has got one...

I've been thinking...

… which is dangerous for most of us, especially me, but thinking I've been doing nonetheless...  This month, I have the following scheduled in Knoxville:

  • PET Scan -  to determine progress of my two cancers 
  • Urology Appt -  to determine if I need further tests for prostate cancer
  • Orthopedic Specialist -  due to a cracked disk in my back because of a fall, landing on wooden steps
  • Oncologist -  PET scan results and monthly chemo treatments

So, what I've been thinking is how much I am AT RISK every time I venture into the public for anything, even when that venturing is equally as important.

Appointments that are not that critical have been postponed until June, these are:
  • Dermatology - for possible skin cancers due to my chemo treatments
  • Allergy Specialist - ongoing sinus issues
My thoughts are, if my back is not hurting me that bad as I get close to the appointment on April 22, I will postpone that sucker as well...

I realize that DEATH eventually comes to all of us, sometimes sooner than we expected or desire but it always arrives...  it's just that I enjoy a Venti Vanilla Cappuccino from Starbucks too much to die, especially since I got $50 in gift cards for Starbucks for Christmas...