Showing posts with label journaling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label journaling. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27

How To Be Happy Alone

True happiness comes from within.

And while you can always turn to others for a mood boost, there's nothing quite like being content with your own company. That said, can you really be happy alone?

Yes, but it's all about perspective.

The word "alone" sometimes carries a negative connotation since many equate it to being lonely and, well, sad. However, that is simply not the case as the two words have completely different meanings.

“Feeling lonely is actually completely different from being alone. Loneliness is a feeling while being alone in a situation," Dr. Nina Vasan, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Real told TODAY.

With the right techniques, you may be able to get past this feeling of loneliness, whether you're single, going through a breakup or simply miles away from the people you love. “For example, if you’re by yourself but connecting to others through good communication or activities like volunteering, you don’t feel lonely," she said.

In fact, the ability to enjoy the joys of quality alone time may just be the greatest act of self-love. Not to mention being alone — whether by choice or circumstance — gives you time to be "introspective, creative, or engaged through activities like journaling, painting, reading a book or building something for your house."

Read on for expert-backed tips and tricks on how to be happy alone. Implement one (or all) of these techniques into your everyday life to remind yourself the happiness should always start and end with you. Who knows, you may even find that you're a better friend, partner and colleague because of it.  READ MORE...

Saturday, April 11

Vera Farmiga - the

IFFEN you wanna

know what

interests me, click here...

that is to say ME...
            not her  ⥤⥤⥤

Note:  If this is an old post, don't forget to scroll down after clicking on the link...


One of the first ideas that one learns
in a communications class is the concept 
For many of us, I suppose, this sound overly simplistic, but at the same time profoundly true and a concept that many of also abuse because we do not listen and when we do listen, we hear on that which we want to hear, filtering out all the rest...

Our biggest problem in life is COMMUNICATIONS...

Be that as it may be,
I have spent the last few days listening to FOX News and their interpretation and explanation of the NEWS which has, for the most part, solely revolved around COVID-19...  and an occasional comment or two regarding how the Democrats are trying to fuck with President Trump again.  My personal feelings is that I hope America pay the Democrats back just as hard as they pay the Chinese back for giving the world this pandemic.

PAYBACK is not the best emotion to have but sometimes payback is the only course of action when behavior is witnessed that is inappropriate.  In this case, Democratic Payback is to take place at the ballot box, voting these Democrats out-of-office.

Tuesday, April 7


I maintain several blogs on an irregular or daily basis besides this one.

Reflections: White Scorpion ⇒ is a poetry blog that was started in 2009 to publish the poetry that I had written over my lifetime.  Each poem is accompanied by a photo to draw the reader's attention into the poem's meaning.

We Were Just Wondering ⇒  is a blog that my friend Vic Adamus and I started in 2005.  Vic and I posted everyday until his death from colon cancer in 2015 and I continued for another year until I decided that it was a blog for the two of us not just for the one.  It is full of thoughts, ideas, and opinions that might be interesting to read from a reflective standpoint.

My LinkedIn Profile ⇒  this is the link but I am not sure if you can actually see my profile unless you join for free...  I have published numerous articles on this forum that might be interesting to read.

My Facebook Profile ⇒   this is the link but just like LinkedIn, I believe you have to join for free.  My original Facebook profile was hacked and now belongs to someone else, so I started a new one under a different identity.

Other blogs that have active link on the top of the first page of this blog...
My Cancer Odyssey
A  Bipolar Scorpion

Saturday, April 4

Saturday Morning In East TN

Retired at 67, now 72, so...  been retired 5 years...

Worked for 45 years full time
Fired 10 times by employers
Still managed to survive

  1. Outspoken
  2. Believe in change
  3. Desire continuous improvement
  4. Workers make the businesses
  5. Against Management

NOTEThe above 5 points are the hallmark of FAILURE...  don't follow my example...  learn to kiss ass and like it...   don't rock the boat...  and, certainly do not tell management that you believe that they are WRONG...

I have no regrets
I would do nothing different if given a second chance
But, my attitude is wrong...
Sounds like a contradiction...  perhaps...  but the point is that you should not be like me!!!

Read and Learn