Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts

Thursday, March 24

Invasive Plants

Invasive plants are those that have been introduced by humans and which then go on to damage natural habitats. They grow and spread rapidly, smother native plants and flowers, often overwhelm native animal and insect life and may transform a landscape dramatically.

Invasives can be trees, shrubs, vines, perennials, annuals or aquatics and are often first planted because they are useful or attractive plants for our yards. Some native plants can also spread rapidly, but these are not usually classified as invasive.

Many invasive plants were deliberately introduced to natural habitats, for various reasons, then spread unexpectedly. Some escaped from gardens and yards, some were accidentally introduced.

It is important to remember that many plants are invasive in some parts of the country, but perfectly well-behaved in others. So each state has its own list of invasive species, your local Cooperative Extension Service or local nurseries can provide detailed information.

Controlling invasive plants is often difficult. As with how to get rid of weeds, hand pulling or digging is a widespread approach, and in some areas insects or fungi that feed on a particular invasive have been introduced. Weed killers are also sometimes used but come with their own risks. Deer can make the problem worse by eating native plants but not invasives.

For most of us the crucial thing is to make sure invasive plants aren't included in our yards and, if we see any invasives arrive, to pull them out straight away.  


Saturday, March 20

It's Summertime... almost...

Once the middle of March passes, any cold weather is for the most part gone until way after the fall...  and, while the temps may dip down into the 40's at night or only increase to in the 50's during the day, it is still considered to be T-shirt weather and Spring is here...  actually, today is considered to be the FIRST DAY OF SPRING where the night hours are just as long as the daylight hours.

Once this day arrives for us in East TN, it is time to take the deck furniture out of storage and arrange on the deck under the gazebo...  even though we may continue to get rain showers and thunderstorms because we can cover up the furniture with tarps like we have done when adverse summer weather arrives.

However, we will not open our pool for another month because as soon as we open it, we will have to start putting chemicals into the water and since the water inside is not yet warm enough for swimming, there is really no reason to open it...  opening the pool is rather simply as all we have to do is undo the ropes that are holding one side and remove the bricks on the other side...  return the plugs eliminate water leakage, open the flow valve, start pumping in water, and once the pump tank is full, start the motor that begins water circulation and filtration.

The pool cover is then placed in a plastic container with lid to prevent the entrance of stink bugs which believe it or not have a way of getting into the tiniest of places to stay warm.  Stink bugs arrive from somewhere (?) once warm weather arrives and no matter how many will kill each day, they seem to continue to be on our screened in porch every day...

Tuesday, March 31

The Last Day of the Month

March is done...  almost history...

Time to look forward to April, May, and June...

Mowing lawns
Killing stink bugs
Bee stings
Bug bites

It is widely believed by experts that COVID-19 will peak in two weeks...  that means that by the middle of April we should be on the downside of this disease...

Thanks CHINA

Personally,  I think the WORLD should make China pay big for this pandemic.  This COMMUNIST country LIED to the world about their problem and exactly what they were doing.

Stupid, stupid, stupid CHINA...