Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

Thursday, August 19

Thought and Metabolism

To regulate adaptive behaviour, the brain relies on a continuous flow of cognitive and memory-related processes that require a constant energy supply. Weighing around 1,200 grams in women and 1,300 grams in men, on average, the brain consumes around 90 grams, or 340 kilocalories’ worth, of glucose per day, accounting for around half of the body’s glucose demand1,2

The tight integration of metabolic and cognition-related signals might aid the matching of the brain’s energy supply to its energy needs, by optimizing foraging behaviour and efforts to limit energy expenditure. 

The synchronization of glucose supply with brain activity has so far been considered a function of a structure called the hypothalamus, at the base of the brain. Writing in Nature, Tingley et al.3 provide evidence in rats for the role of another brain region, called the hippocampus, which is typically implicated in memory and navigation, in this equation (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 | Brain signals that regulate glucose levels in the body periphery. The hypothalamus in the brain helps to regulate glucose concentrations in the blood and in the interstitial fluid that surrounds cells in the body. This hypothalamic (feedback-mediated) regulation is activated, for example, during stress. Tingley et al.3 provide evidence in rats that another brain structure, the hippocampus, also regulates peripheral glucose concentrations. In the hippocampus, oscillatory patterns — called sharp wave-ripples (SPW-Rs) — emerge in the collective electrical potential across the membranes of neurons. They seem to signal, by way of a region called the lateral septum, to the hypothalamus to produce dips in interstitial glucose concentration about 10 minutes later. The feedback mechanism in this regulatory loop is unknown (dashed arrow). Given that hippocampal SPW-Rs are a hallmark of the reprocessing of previous experiences, they might thus control the brain’s energy supply during a ‘thought-like’ mode.

The hippocampus receives many types of sensory and metabolic information, and projections from neuronal cells in the hippocampus extend to various parts of the brain, including the hypothalamus. Thus, the hippocampus might indeed represent a hub in which metabolic signals are integrated with cognitive processes3

To examine this possibility, Tingley and colleagues recorded oscillatory patterns called sharp wave-ripples (SPW-Rs), reflecting changes in electrical potential across the cell membranes of neuronal-cell ensembles in the hippocampi of rats. They did this while using a sensor inserted under the skin of the animals’ backs to continuously measure glucose levels in the interstitial fluid surrounding the cells there.  READ MORE

Saturday, February 20

Saturday: Before Noon

SATURDAY Morning👉 the sun is shinning in the Tennessee Valley of East Tennessee... and, I am once again able to experience another day above ground...  at 73 years of age, another day above ground is a good day.  My morning begin with me giving our 3 cats their morning treats and then I take the little white pill prescribed by my Oncologist for my thyroid...  my thyroid got messed up because of my on-going chemo treatments which is beginning its 14th year.

Once the cats have been given their treat and their bowls filled up with food, I make myself a cup of coffee with a coffee pod and sit in my recliner to watch FOX NEWS...  It is typically around 8:00/8:30 am...  Prior to 2015, I was keyed into watching CNN or CBS News in the morning, but after going to the local gym where FOX NEWS was being televised, I quickly realized that CNN and/or CBS was NOT REPORTING all the news.

After watching FOX NEWS at home and switching back and forth between CNN, CBS, and Fox, I came to the realization that the conservative points-of-view were not just being overlooked but they were being distorted in favor of the liberal points-of-view.

I was a DIEHARD liberal until I went to Graduate School and earned an MBA...  then, I became a conservative liberal with a focus on eliminating debt and balancing the budget.

Unfortunately and beginning with the Trump Administration, mainstream media simply did not publish news that they DETERMINED they did not want to general public to know...  and, that mentality bothered me more than the bullshit that Trump was doing.

Being retired...  one day is no more different than any other day...  unless, there is a doctor's appointment scheduled and then I have to shower/shave and leave the house.  If there is no appointment, then my days are typically spent inside the house unless I take a notion to get in the hot tub outside.

BUT...  this is Saturday and I know that I am going nowhere today...  so, I will drink coffee for 2-3 hours before deciding that there is something else I need/want to do.  However, I will turn the channel once CAVUTO comes on...  as I just don't like to listen to him nor do I like his personality in general.

Typically, I start watching the HISTORY channel or the FOOD channel for the rest of the morning as I continue drink a few more cups of coffee.  It bothers me that I have to also watch STUPID COMMERCIALS that target Americans with an 8th grade mentality...  but, this is how America sells its products...  and, I guess is a NECESSARY EVIL.

Once my morning comes to a close, I eat a modest lunch and then begin preparing my blogs by first preparing a list of potential topics that I want to research...  I also take a looksee at previous lists that I prepared as well.  Daily Journals that I have been keeping for over ten years is where I write these lists and keep my notes for other topics that have been previously researched.  These journals are stored in a filing cabinet in the garage.

What's interesting about this Saturday is that the sun is out and this weekends represents the being of a 30 warming trend according to the weather channel forecasts.  Cold weather in the Valley is all but OVER...

Friday, October 30

Just Me and My Thoughts

My thoughts appear out of nowhere or that is what they seem to be doing and yet I know that these thoughts must come from somewhere.  The generation of these thoughts is better in the morning for some reason and so it is in the morning that I have trained myself to write and reflect.  Upon reflection, I formulate ideas and once the idea hatches, my mind begins to control my consciousness openly and I put pen to paper and write...  or, in this case, I put fingers to keyboard and type...  however, I can actually write faster than I type and errors are easily scratched out, whereas with the keyboard, one must find and use the backspace key that I use all the time...

Nonetheless, I write in a notebook with a pen in hand, usually black and usually fine point as medium points smear...  and I write on blogs using a computer...  actually a laptop since the keyboard on a tablet is too small for my fat fingers.

And... mornings are the best for me as I drink coffee but also in the afternoons do I write my thoughts as I really have nothing else to do with my life now that I am retired...  although, I have taught some evening college classes in the past and have agreed to teach another one in the spring of 2021...  this class I taught many times before so I just need to update my syllabus a little and I am good to go...  Personal Financial Planning changes very little over the years...  and, as I think about it, I will be adding BITCOIN and CRYPTO CURRENCY to my list of topics.

Wednesday, April 1

Social Distancing

Since my health situations put me into a high risk category, I am staying at home and only leave the house if I have a doctor's appointment or treatment that is critical.  This month, I have to leave the house 4 times:  a cancer treatment, a bulging disk in my back, a PET scan to determine if my cancers have grown or decreased, and a meeting with a Urologist to determine if I should pursue further testing for prostate cancer...

Those 4 trips to Knoxville will cause me to stop at Weigel's Gas Station/Market for gas, but I will not go inside or get close to others who are pumping gas.                

So, for the rest of those 26 days, I will be staying inside the house or working outside if the weather is nice.  When I am not working outside, I will be inside posting articles to this blog and three other blogs that I maintain daily (see blog list on right) along with LinkedIn, Facebook, and Tumblr forums on which I post comments.

I like to write and will continue to write regardless of how many people that read and/or actually care about what I have to say.

What I am doing is better than sitting on a telephone pole/line like a bird...  lol

Monday, March 30

Write When Wandering

, tumblrI have pretty much been wandering all my life and I guess I will keep wandering until I no longer live...   This blog is not the only blog I maintain...

On this blog, I have links to other blogs I maintain:

Reflections:  White Scorpion
this is where I post all the poems that I have been writing since 1972 and when I stopped concentrating on writing poetry in 2012/2015, I had written over 42,000 of those suckers...

My Cancer Journey
I have been treated for cancer since 2007/2008 and it is only recently that I decided to write about my experiences with cancer over the last decade or so in the hopes that others might benefit from reading about what I endured and continue to endure...

My Bipolar Life
well...  this is mine as well...  sometimes, I think weird thoughts, depressing thoughts, or angry thoughts and so I use this forum to share those with people...  these thoughts happen daily, so I have been posting lately.  I don't if reading my thoughts will help anyone but me but I still need to get them out of my head...

I have had an account on LinkedIn since 2001 and created a profile there because it was one of the best and still is one the best business networking forums around.  I used to post my thoughts there daily and still do sometimes but mostly it is every other day or so...  You have to have a profile to see mine.

I used to have a profile in my name there for over 5 years but it was recently hacked and my password was changed and I was locked out.  I sent Facebook emails about what had happened but they never responded, so I just created a new profile used a False Name and a very strong password.  In less than a month, I have over 2100 friends...  my name is Alan Catale if you are interested...  You have to have a profile to see mine.

This blog is not maintained daily and is XXX rated for the most part...  This is where I release my inner devil...   it is listed under Catale2000  Reflections and...  You have to join for free to see this blog...

Anyway, I try to maintain all of these on a daily basis which is not that hard considering that I am retired and don't have anything else to do with my time...