Showing posts with label staying home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label staying home. Show all posts

Saturday, April 11


One of the first ideas that one learns
in a communications class is the concept 
For many of us, I suppose, this sound overly simplistic, but at the same time profoundly true and a concept that many of also abuse because we do not listen and when we do listen, we hear on that which we want to hear, filtering out all the rest...

Our biggest problem in life is COMMUNICATIONS...

Be that as it may be,
I have spent the last few days listening to FOX News and their interpretation and explanation of the NEWS which has, for the most part, solely revolved around COVID-19...  and an occasional comment or two regarding how the Democrats are trying to fuck with President Trump again.  My personal feelings is that I hope America pay the Democrats back just as hard as they pay the Chinese back for giving the world this pandemic.

PAYBACK is not the best emotion to have but sometimes payback is the only course of action when behavior is witnessed that is inappropriate.  In this case, Democratic Payback is to take place at the ballot box, voting these Democrats out-of-office.