Wednesday, September 18

Taking Responsibility

In the past two decades, China has reemerged as a major power, with the world’s second largest economy and a world-class military. It increasingly asserts itself, seeking to regain its centrality in the international system and over global governance institutions that include:  the World Bank,  the International Monetary Fund,  and the United Nations...  SOURCE:  Council on Foreign Relations

IF...  WE as a country...  DO NOT see the THREAT that CHINA presents then the USA is DOOMED to be subservient to CHINA.

Just because I, personally, am not an expert on Foreign Relations, China, or any of these institutions listed above, does not mean that my CONCERNS ARE NOT VALID.'

Right now, the USA is controlled by the DEMOCRATIC PARTY, and all they are concerned about is:
  • Maintaining power and control
  • Destroying Donald Trump
  • Controlling the flow of information
  • Weaponizing the DOJ & FBI
  • Continuing illegal immigration
  • Stop the use of Petroleum Crude Oil
  • Becoming a Green Energy Nation
  • Increasing our Welfare and Social Programs
  • Rasing our TAXES
  • Creating Govt controlled abortions, not States

If you allow the DEMOCRATS to remain in power, including the CONGRESS, then you are indirectly, perhaps directly, handing GLOBAL CONTROL over to CHINA.

In so doing, you will turn the USA into a THIRD WORLD CONTRY, no different than the countries from which these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS fled.

Open your eyes people and look at what these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are already doing in ALL of our BIG CITIES.

The USA will become the country that the VOTERS want it to become...  and this is the way our DEMOCRACY works...  but, when the DEMOCRATS keep their power and control in November, HALF OF THE USA...  HALF OF AMERICANS...  will still be against what happened...  and that opposition will not be easily SILENCED.

YOU THE VOTERS WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHATEVER HAPPENS...  not the GOVERNMENT...  because the government was created by YOU...  and don't you forget that!!!

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