Tuesday, September 3



I remember being told twenty plus years ago, that if one took ALL OF HISTORY, it could be boiled down into one word:   SURVIVAL

The more I thought about that, the more I began to realize that person was correct.  The person who told me that was a retired chemical engineer who had worked for a well-known employer, whose name will not be disclosed, for forty years, retiring at age 62.

Nature survives

Mankind survives

Countries survive

Our world survives

It all makes sense to me as it should to you...  but what is the cost of that survival that you might be willing to accept?

Russia invaded Ukraine because of its inherent right to acquire territory.  Ukraine fought back to protect its right to survive under its own terms.  Many live have been lost and many more lives will be lost as a result of this conflict.

HAMAS invaded Israel, killed numerous civilians and took hostages.  Israel fought back to defend its right to survive and believes that more attacks will take place in the future until it destroys HAMAS.  Lives have been lost and more lives will continue to be lost.

Whose right to survival takes precedence?

Is it up to the rest of the world to control and decide who has a right to survive and who does not?

Without the rest of the world coming to the rescue of these smaller countries, our world will continue to fight each other until our entire world is destroyed.

This is not a threat...


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