Sunday, September 15

RACISM in America


In 1947, I was born white as a result of a sexual union between white parents and in 2024, at 76 years of age, I AM STILL WHITE.

Not only am I a white male but I am a WHITE VIETNAM ERA VETERAN, who was willing to protect Americans so that the BLACKS could call me a WHITE SUPREMACIST RACIST.

The more the BLACKS push against the WHITES because they were mistreated during slavery, the more I am going to PUSH BACK against the blacks and their petty jealousies.

I am not responsible for what my father did, nor am I responsible for what my grandfather, my great grandfather, or my great-great grandfather did...  I am only responsible for what I do, did, or have done.

What bothers me is that whites are racist when we do something blacks don't like but when blacks do exactly what they claim whites did or did not do, they ARE NOT RACISTS.

That double standard will continue to DIVIDE BLACKS AND WHITES and the more they push the more a majority of us will push back.

If you want to be black fine with me but I see myself as an AMERICAN...  it is only the BLACKS that see me as WHITE.

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