Tuesday, September 10

Party Allegience


We have two political parties in the USA, Democrats and Republicans, with a third Independent Party that really has no influence on the election although some say that it does.

If you are Democratic, you vote for the Democratic candidate regardless and if you are Republican, you vote for the Republican candidate.

If you vote according to your party, you are voting for all the policies that your party stands for, regardless of your personal opinion(s).

For me, that is WRONG.

There are some good points from the Democrats and there are some good points from the Republican.  Not either party has all the answers.

We should vote for the person, not the party with the idea in mind that the person will do what they think is best for the USA not necessarily what is best for the party.

THAT MAKES ME NAIVE to think this way but that is the only way to think.

For Example, Dick Chaney is a Republican and is planning to vote for Kamala Harris not because he believes in what the Democrats stand and not because he thinks Harris will be a better President but because he HATES Trump.

That LOGIC is NOT GOOD for the USA...

We will pay the price for that logic over the next four years, if Harris wins...

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