Wednesday, September 11

Our Generation

 I was born a North Carolinian in 1947, a couple of years after the end of WWII; my sister was born in 1943, and my brother in 1955.

Alexandria, Virginia, eight miles south of Washington DC was where I grew up until high school.  High School was spent in Cairo, Egypt graduating in 1966, afterwards I attended college in North Carolina.

In 1970 until 1972, I was in the military after leaving college and was awarded a BA degree in 1974 and an MBA in 1981.  After numerous employers in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky, I retired in 2015 after working for 45 years.

Our generation has been labelled the BABY BOOMERS...  those who were born during WWII and just afterwards.

Our generation is the heart of ROCK and ROLL where some of the best music in the world was written, recorded, and performed.

Our generation is the generation of long hair, hippies, smoking weed (marijuana), wild clothes, and outspoken beliefs as we protested the VIETNAM WAR.

Our generation owned homes, paid off mortgages and student loans, saved for retirement, challenged all traditions, and built the strong economy that Americans were able to appreciate until COVID arrived.

Our generation taught our children how to be polite, courteous, and respectful of other people, not lie, cheat, or steal, and to earn things on their own merit without needing any help from the government or the DEI push that you see today.

Our generation believes in helping yourself rather than expecting the government to help you.  Our generation does not want the government to take care of us and give us handouts.  We build up our own lives with hard work, paying our dues first, determination, and discipline.


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