Monday, September 16



How many people, do you think, look into the future:

  • 6 months
  • 1 year
  • 18 months
  • 3 years
  • 5 years
  • 20 years

What do you think our future might look like?
  1. Electric Vehicles
  2. Possible Terrorist Activities in the USA
  3. Increase in IRS Taxes
  4. Increase of USA Racism
  5. Increase of USA Crime and Violence
  6. Increase of Illegal Drugs in USA
  7. Increase in Higher Prices
  8. Decline of Gasoline Usage
  9. A Green Energy Economy
  10. A Slow Growing Economy
  11. Humanoid Robots Replacing Jobs
  12. Increased Illegal Immigration
  13. Increased Terrorist Activities
  14. Escalating Global Aggression
  15. Spreading of Global Islam
  16. Decline of Christianity
  17. Decline of USA Military
  18. Increased WWIII Risk

Life in the USA is not just about life in the USA; it is about Global Life much of which influences life in the USA.  
For example:
  • Russia/Ukraine war
  • Hamas/Israel war
  • Illegal Immigration changing USA Culture
  • Increase in Global Hatred of USA
  • China's possible invasion of Taiwan
  • Iran becoming a nuclear power
  • North Korea becoming a nuclear power

Americans like to DRINK BEER, HAVE SEX, SMOKE MARIJUANA, TAILGATE, and work only when they need/want to work.  Americans like to HUNT, CAMP, FISH, and enjoy the weekends with family and friends.  Americans like to have DINNER PARTIES, BRIDGE PARTIES, and FOOTBALL PARTIES with family and friends.

AMERICANS like the American lifestyle and do not believe ANYTHING will ever happen to alter, change, or destroy that LIFESTYLE.
Why do they think that?

Americans do not know how people in Europe and in the Middle East have survived countless wars in their countries.  Those people know what living during wars is really like.
American just know 9/11 and twenty-three years later, they have forgotten all about it.

American are concerned now about all the crime and violence that has resulted from ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION but there is still NO PUSH from Americans to CHANGE ANYTHING....

Our future will be here soon enough, and it will be too late for Americans to BITCH...

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