Friday, September 6


It has been said by people smarter than me that OPINIONS ARE LIKE ASSHOLES EVERYBODY HAS GOT ONE...

I suppose that is true as I have a lot of opinions, and I know that I am an asshole at times...

My opinions revolve around the following:
  • Liberals censoring conservatives
  • Democrats wanting socialism
  • Robots replacing jobs
  • Boys wanting to be girls
  • Lying politicians
  • WOKE - CRT - BLM
  • Trying to destroy Trump
  • Increasing Taxes
  • Wealthy people not paying their fair share
  • Forcing EVs on the public
  • Ending gasoline
  • Idiots in Hollywood
  • Celebrities being paid too much
  • Advertising/Marketing
  • Life Insurance
  • Pickup Trucks

Who am I?
  1. I am a liberal with conservative fiscal responsibilities.  
  2. I am a Vietnam Era Veteran
  3. I have no debt, and I save as often as I can.
  4. I am frugal with my purchases.
  5. I measure twice - cut once
  6. I kiss no one's ass
  7. I am happily married
  8. I am happily retired
  9. I don't dwell on the past
  10. I hope for the best but expect the worst

I have no desire to change your opinion, nor do I want you to change mine unless there is just cause.  I will determine if there is just cause...  why?  Because I am not stupid, and I am open minded unlike others who cling to their beliefs as if they still believe in Santa and the tooth Fairy.

I pretty much dislike ALL POLITICIANS since most of them cannot be trusted and because we basically have the same problems today that we had in the 1960s...   that's the same problems for SIXTY FRIGGING YEARS...
Why do you think that is?
Because these politicians MUST WANT these problems to stay around.

I like my opinions and my initials are AH....  go figure???

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