Tuesday, September 10

Myrtle Beach: Day Two & Three of Eight


Monday and Tuesday at Myrtle Beach, SC were pretty much more of the same.

The temps were high 70s, low 80s both days, maybe a little hotter on Tuesday but Monday was very windy...  

Each day, I would walk south down the beach towards Damons Restaurant for about one-half mile and when I turned to make the trip back, the wind was so strong, I had to take my hat off.  I don't mind losing a hat since for five bucks I can get a new one, but this particular hat was one of the best wearing hats I've ever worn.

Monday night, my wife and I ate at Red Lobster which is one of our go to restaurants down here.  She got fish and chips while I ordered baked Salmon with a baked potato and broccoli.  Any meals under $50 is a good deal for us.  We order water with lemon instead of a soft drink which immediately reduces the bill by $6.

With all the space that is down here on shoreline of Myrtle Beach, it always amazes us when another family has to set up umbrellas and chairs, two feet away from our umbrella and chair.

I understand that cars have to be parked close together but down here there is all kinds of space.  When they kids start to throw sand at each other, being that close can be annoying.

Recently, my wife and I have discovered that more and more people are completely disrespectful of other's people's space when out in public.  They act like they are the only ones around, and don't mind walking in front of you as you are not there at all.

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