Friday, September 13

Myrtle Beach - Day Six


This was by far the best beach we've had since we got here last Sunday.  The weather was in the 80s with minimal wind and every once in a while, the sun would poke its head through the clouds.

In the afternoon, it rained for about 15-20 minutes but not very hard and soon it was over.  We went into the inside pool but by the time we cleaned the sand off our shoes and feet, used the restroom, the rain had stopped, so we went back out.

The umbrella we had today seemed to be a tad larger than the ones before, so we did not have to put up a second umbrella to get out of the sun like we did a couple of days before.

My wife read her book or watched her K-dramas, while I listened to an audiobook or iheart radio while writing in my journal like has been done on previous days.

Like always, the day went by quickly and the next thing we knew we were sitting at a table in Chili's having dinner.  Instead of paying for dessert at the restaurant, we stopped by WalMart and purchased a one serving Apple Pie for 80 cents.

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