Wednesday, September 4

Live Life Lovingly


I have lived in several different worlds and while that does not make me special, it does make me uniquely experienced.

For example, I have:

  • grown up relatively poor
  • experienced a mild form of wealth
  • been an enlisted person in the military
  • lived overseas in an underdeveloped country
  • travelled through Europe 
  • been the black sheep of the family
  • been disowned by my family
  • been badly treated by my employers
  • been disrespected and ridiculed
  • lived paycheck to paycheck
  • had a had a heart attack
  • been and continue to be treated for cancer
  • lived off of minimum wages
  • have been in deep debt
  • been married and divorced
  • lived and worked in the south
  • been and am currently retired

It is just what life is all about.  Some of us have it good while others do not.  Some of us scape by while others live the life of luxury.  It is what it is, no more and no less.

When I die, and we are all going to eventually die, I will not regret my life, nor will I regret how I lived and/or experienced my life.  As I ponder over my life, I realized that I have lived my life and continue to live my life, just as I was expected to life my life.

How do I know that?
I just do...

Does that mean there is a creator of sorts?
Not really.
It means that I believe there is a superior race that has been watching over us for a long time.  They see our future before we live it.
Perhaps they modified our DNA, perhaps not.
We may never know until we die.

While some of us may have more during life, we all have the same after life.  There will be no difference.  We will all be, whether we like it or not, SPIRITS - the essence of who we were when alive.  That spirit will live forever - it will have no past, nor will it have a future.  It will live in the moment.

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