Tuesday, September 3

Let's Get Trump


Presidents since WWII

  1. Truman
  2. Eisenhower
  3. Kennedy
  4. Johnson
  5. Nixon
  6. Ford
  7. Carter
  8. Reagan
  9. Bush Sr.
  10. Clinton
  11. Bush Jr.
  12. Obama
  13. Trump
  14. Biden

I have lived under all fourteen President but am only aware of thirteen.

Given all of these PRESIDENTS, the DEMOCRATS have decided only to DESTROY one - Donald Trump.

Mainstream media, the FBI, the DOJ, and some High Tech CEOs have joined forces in helping the Democrats reach their goal.


How can one man be so HATED AND FEARED?

What is happening to TRUMP has been largely brought about by FEAR...

  • FEAR that he will destroy Democracy
  • FEAR that he will destroy America
  • FEAR that he will become a Dictator
  • FEAR that he will promote misinformation and disinformation
  • FEAR that he will control CONGRESS
  • FEAR that he will be like Hitler
  • FEAR that he will destroy Social Security
  • FEAR that he will remove all the illegal immigrants
  • FEAR that he will stop EVs
  • FEAR that he will END ABORTION
  • FEAR that he will destroy the Supreme Court
  • FEAR that he will be controlled by RUSSIA
  • FEAR that he will slow down Socialism
  • FEAR that he will put his enemies in JAIL
  • FEAR that he will encourage Climate Change

Did Trump do any of this during his first four years in office?

NO...  he did not...


What brought about this HATRED and FEAR?

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