Friday, September 13

Boeing Goes on STRIKE


So...  what I heard on FOX News this morning was that Boeing employees went on strike because they wanted a 40% wage increase and management only agreed to a 25% increase...

Well now...

Do I think that was a good idea?

No, not at all.


These employees want more money because of INFLATION...

We should bring inflation down, not raise wages.

Raising wages will cause more inflation because the wage increase will be passed along to the public in the COST OF GOODS SOLD.

Higher Prices = inflation

When more money is put into the economy and the demand does not increase (because the wages are too high) then shortages are created, and prices increase.

The public should know this because of the fluctuating gasoline prices.

I understand that the worker wants a higher salary/wage but if the prices go up, there will be a bunch of us who STOP BUYING AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS...  because they are too expensive.

Americans are shooting themselves in the foot and are too ignorant of economics to fully understand what they are doing to themselves.

This is ONE REASON why education is so important.

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