Monday, September 16

Assassination Attempts


My main source of news is FOX News primarily because they censor and editorialize less than the other networks, so that I am actually getting access to 95%+ of the REAL NEWS.

I was a fan of CNN and CBS but I learned back in 2016 that they only present the news that they feel their viewership NEEDS TO KNOW.  That is not news...  that is censorship...  I want to hear the news, good, bad, or indifferent and then I WILL DECIDE what I want to believe and what I don't want to believe.

Just for shits and giggles, I recently watched ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC and got the chilly feeling that the news moderators were BLAMING TRUMP for the assassination attempts on his life.  Their foundation for this belief was Trump's behaviors and words.

While that made totally good sense to them, it made me think HOW STUPID these moderators were.  For example...

  • Many people did not like Biden closing down the XL pipeline on his first day in office, but no one tried to kill him for it.
  • Many people did not like the Biden withdrawal out of Afghanistan, but no one tried to kill him for it.
  • Many people did not like Biden's open border policy even after members of their families were killed by illegals, but no one tried to kill him for it.

Are these moderators thinking that Trump's worse are worse than that?
Then we have the Kennedy assassination...
Then we have the attempted assassination on Reagan...
Did these two people bring it on themselves?

These other networks are losing viewers because all they can think about is WHAT CAN WE BLAME ON TRUMP TODAY THAT MIGHT KEEP HIM FROM WINNING IN NOVEMBER...

I don't think this is a good image for networks to have.

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