Wednesday, August 21

Your Choice

Each morning, I awake about 7:00/7:30 am, take my Thyroid medication, feed out three cats, make myself a cup of coffee using my Keurig coffee maker and my McCafe coffee pod, and then watch FOX News until about 10:00/11:00 am.

Previously, I was watching CBS and/or CNN for my news but when I went to an exercise center in 2015 (when I retired) I found out that neither one of those news media outlets were sharing all the information - they were censoring what they wanted to share with me and what they did not want to share.

Needless to say...  THAT PISSED ME OFF!!!

I am not a political party person but I am a person who wants to hear all the news (good and bad) so that I can make up my own mind what I want to believe and what I don't want to believe.

No one should do that for me - I am no longer living at home with my parents.

In 2015, I was 67, had worked for 45 years, and had an undergraduate as well as a graduate degree and had the mental capacity to make my own decisions.

Today (2024), obviously I am still retired, older, and no longer watching mainstream media news outlets.

However, if that is your mentality and desire, then you should do what you want to do, not what they want you to do...  however, if you are not capable of making up your own mind, then listen to these stations and do what they tell you to do or THINK...

Otherwise, you can finally grow up and do all that shit for yourself.



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