Friday, August 9

The 2024 Presidential Election Race is ON

 SOON... we will have a new President of the United States.

Will 51% of the American people elect Trump or Harris?

Make sure that you understand the above sentence...  51% because while that is a majority, it does not reflect the WHOLE COUNTRY.

Our divided country will still be a problem no matter who wins...  so, the question is, who will control CONGRESS?



Yes, either President will write EXECUTIVE ORDERS to get MOST if not ALL of their work and goals accomplished...  BUT whoever wins will be FORCING THEIR AGENDA on almost HALF THE COUNTRY.

SO, what does that mean?

Well...  let's start with the mainstream media.

  • If Harris wins, the mainstream media will be PRAISING every damn thing she wants to do.
  • If Trump wins, the mainstream media will be condemning everything damn thing he want to do. 

is the mainstream media the heart of the problem?
Not really...
So, what is?
  • The Democrats want:
  • More illegal immigration
  • Mor government programs
  • To continue increasing the national debt
  • Less law enforcement
  • More whites in prison to balance out the blacks
  • A weakened military
  • Higher Taxes
  • Not to see China as our enemy
  • More countries to have nuclear weapons
  • A weakened and/or destroyed Israel
  • Censorship of the conservative voice
  • Government supported DEI programs

If Kamala Harris win the Presidential race, it will not be because she will make a GOOD PRESIDENT, it will be because a majority of Americans DID NOT WANT TRUMP to become President.

For me, that is an illogical justification...

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