Thursday, August 15

Our Flip-Flopping Government


Liberals versus Conservatives


Democrats versus Republicans


Socialists versus Capitalists

WE, the PEOPLE...

have put ourselves in an unbelievable LOSE/LOSE situation with our Federal Government and our elections every four years.


if and when our situation changes then we will NO LONGER be a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC...

Here is our DILEMMA...

First, Donald Trump was president and sets all sorts of programs in place that changed our culture and society...

Second, four years later, Joe Biden becomes president and sets all sorts of programs in place, most of which were completely opposite to those of his predecessor...

Third, during these eight years, the house went from Republican control to Democratic control and back to Republican control.


The HOUSE went off in one direction with the Republicans then went off in an opposite direction with the Democrats, then when the Republicans took back control, it went in the opposite direction of the Democrats.

Fourth, also during these eight years, the Senate went in the exact same direction from Republican to Democrat and may or may not change in this next Presidential cycle.

By now, you should be getting the idea.  The American people because of our flip-flopping political system rarely ever gets anything accomplished other than passing a temporary budget that is short term at best.

What the Democrats are going to try to do with all this illegal immigration is make these illegals citizens of the USA in the hopes that they will vote the DEMOCRATIC TICKET.

If that happens, there is a very good possibility that the Republicans WILL NEVER HAVE any control of the House or Senate ever again.  It could also be that same way for the Presidency.  If and when this happens, the USA will no longer be a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC that embraces a two-party political system.

This will fundamentally change our country and there is no telling how that change will alter the future of the USA domestically and internationally.

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