Thursday, August 15


Most, if not all of us, go through phases that many would classify as:  adolescence, teenager, young adult, adult, middle age, senior citizen, retired...  all of which takes us towards and into DEATH...   with death being our final phase which is pretty much instantaneously.  That is to say that while some of us slowing die, when we finally die the actual occurrence takes less than a second.

We know what happens before death but what happens after death?

  • Nothing?
  • Something, but we don't know what yet?
  • We turn into a spirit
  • We are born again into someone or something else

No one know for sure.  All we can do is speculate until we actually die ourselves and once that happens, we cannot communicate what we are experiencing, if anything, back to those who are still living.

What about those who die and come back to life?
Were they really dead in the first place?

We have been taught from the Bible that some people way back when, lived for 800-900 years before death finally consumed them.  If that is the case, why do we only live, on average, 80-100 years now?  What changed?

LOGICALLY (at least for me), if our universe is endless (which it seems to be) and still expanding BTW, then it seems out of place that human beings should only live 80-100 years...  actually, it seems rather meaningless when you think about it that our years are so severely limited.
So, is this then a justification or an explanation or proof that our life continues after death?

No matter how smart or how dumb you are or think that you are, the riddle of what happens after death cannot ever be solved until we die.

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