Friday, August 16

Let's Just SUPPOSE...

We are living in historic times people where the liberals are trying to censor the conservatives...


where the liberals are trying to put their political opponent in prison on bogus charges...


where there are over 10,000,000 illegal immigrants in this country already and thousands are continuing to enter the USA illegally...


where humanoid robots with AI will in the next 2-3 years begin replacing American working in most all places of employment...

where the USA economy is on the verge of faltering and the USA government is on the verge of defaulting on the national debt...


where the world because of the:

  • Ukraine/Russia war
  • Hamas & Iran/Israel war
  • China potential invasion of Taiwan
  • Iran & North Korea becoming nuclear powers
  • global hatred of and for the USA

is on the brink of WORLD WAR THREE...


where CHINA wants to remove the USA from its position of global leadership...

that our country (USA) and world as we know it is under enormous pressure and making the WRONG DECISION could be catastrophic for a majority of USA citizens.

This catastrophe could be in the areas of:

  • inflation
  • terrorism
  • wars
  • shortages
  • unemployment
  • racism
  • crime and violence
  • illegal drugs
  • COVID-like sheltering in place

While many of us do not BELIEVE that any of this will actually take place, many experts believe that it will take place but not all at one time.

Can some or all of this impending disaster be PREVENTED???

Yes, it can with the right President.
  • one who is kick-ass
  • one who takes no shit off of foreign leaders
  • one who believes in a strong military
  • once who believes in peace through military force
  • one who believes in the rule of law
  • one who believes in capitalism
  • one who believes in low taxes
  • one who believes in legal immigration

Of course, it does not matter what I think....  it only matters what you think and how you vote in November...

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