Thursday, August 1

Land of HATE


For many of us, the USA has turned into a LAND OF HATE from that of being a LAND OF OPPORTUNITY...

Why do I think that?

White Americans, in general, especially the old ones, do not want other ethnic groups to live in this country.  This is especially true, in the rural areas and rural suburb areas where the status quo has been around for decades.

Partially Responsible for this attitude are all the illegal immigrants that have come into this country over the last four years as well.  At first, they situated themselves in northern cities and now as those places are running out of space these illegals are migrating down south.

Now, I am not saying that there are going situations where violence takes place, but there will be issues where EXTREME UNFRIENDLINESS takes place, so that the impression is given that WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE.

This is not just a summer shower where a little rain falls along with some lightning and thunder and then quickly moves away...  This is a situation that will become ongoing, hopefully creating the impression in the minds of the illegals for them to move to another location.

The USA has changed and will continue to change more.  HATE is in the air and that hate is not just for illegals but for other Americans who do not agree with a certain belief or attitude.

It started in 2015/2016 with Donald Trump running for political office and winning the Presidency and because he would not play the good ole boy game, HATE for Trump and his friends GREW and GREW.


  • we have illegal immigrant hate
  • we have Mexican immigrant hate
  • we have Trump hate
  • we have Jewish hate
  • we have law enforcement hate
  • we have racial hate
  • we have gun violence hate
  • we have political hate
  • we have fossil fuels hate
  • we have gender hate
  • we have liberal hate
  • we have transplanted northerners hate
  • we have abortion hate
  • we have supreme court justices hate
  • we have censoring conservatives hate
  • we have trans hate
  • we have WOKE - CRT - DEI hate

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